Task 1: "The Training-Session"

Start from the beginning

I take a mixture of different berries into a bowl and crush them together real fast. I know this doesn't take a lot of time as I grab one of the darts and dip the edge on it and then put it in a blowpipe that I find nearby the darts. I turn my head slightly towards the guard as I can see he's curious and petrified of my next set of action, but he doesn't react fast enough as I blow the dart his way and it hits him in the neck. "In a couple of minutes, he will completely unable to move, but the poison in the berries will hyperactivate his nerves which means he'll feel any pain twice as strong to normal." I let out.

While the guard struggles behind me, I find the rope and make a solid not, like the kind you use when you're gonna hang someone, except I make it way wider because I'm gonna need it to hold the guard's upper-body up from the ground. I get the chair and then throw the rope over beam above us and position it correctly before I walk to the guard with the knife.

"Well, I'm gonna have to undress you a little bit, I hope you don't mind." I let out as I remove his helmet and cut his uniform on the upper-body before I drag him over to the chair as he can't do anything to resist it. I manage to sit him up on the chair and enter his arms in the lock I've made with the rope before I tighten it, making him sit up straight as I tie the rope fast on the table next to us. This guy actually looks fit. His joints are well articulated. Too bad they're minutes away from being wrecked.

"So you put the new guy inside the training center with someone like me?" I let out to the Gamemaker and the sponsors. "Well, you're gonna be glad you're not him." I let out as I circle around him, trying to make up my mind about where to begin. "You see, at the age of 8, I learned that I could rely on no one else but myself. I lost my only family...and my only innocence." I let out as I look up at them. "The following 8 years I was abused by a poor excuse of a man that seized to exist a couple of years ago. Nearly one hundred joints were wrecked before they caught me...some of the joints even post mortem because I could." I let out as I see a few of them up there shiver at the thought of it.

The guard looks worried. "Not to worry, I don't have that much time so I'll only do a couple of extremely painful ones...for you, not for me obviously." I let out before I turn myself back towards the 'crowd' upstairs. "It's quite a shame I don't have more time, you know?" I say as I more and more find myself focused on the man's shoulder before I briefly look up at them. I'm standing behind the guard so he doesn't know where I'm aiming my attention - it's a part of the control.

"The shoulder seems like the right place to start..." I let out as I grab the arm and pull it backwards as I place my foot on the man's should-blade and pull roughly until the sound of a distinct crack fills the room. The man lets out a scream unlike any other I've ever heard and a smile spreads on my face. The space between the collar-bone and the separated shoulder is only held together by skin. I chuckle lightly to myself as I squeeze that spot just a little bit, but that's enough to make him scream even more. "You know, the more you scream, the more I'll enjoy it...and the more I want to keep on doing it."

I let out as I look up at the Gamemaker and her 'precious' sponsors. Some of them actually have to cover their mouths. "Imagine if this was your shoulder..." I let out towards them as the horror of that affects some of them to actually puke right where they stand. It doesn't matter that we're separated by a force-field, I can smell their fear and it's delightful. I turn back to this man who's still overwhelmed by the pain as I turn my attention to his elbow.

"How about that elbow then? I can't imagine how you're gonna have any use for that anymore." I grab his arm, on each side of the joint. Of course he's still groaning from the pain of the shoulder. I use my knee and push the joint inwards, causing the bone to cut through his skin. I immediately hear the sound of splashing up on the balcony. The man screams again. "Oh, that's gotta hurt...that bone sticking out doesn't look so good." I bend down towards the guard who's got his head bent forward. I grin lightly at him.

Looking up, the Gamemaker seems a little unimpressed still. A crooked smile appears on my face as I look up at her. "If you think less of me because of this, don't be alarmed, I don't plan on being this meticulous in the Arena. I can wreck a body in less than five minutes. I've had more than one victim to practice on..." I let out with a smirk on my face as her hands remove themselves from the cross they've been in. "I'm just taking my time for the sake of the entertainment..." I say as I look at the other sponsors struggling to keep their composure. Weaklings...

Out of nowhere, I turn back to the rest of the arm and break his wrist and all of his five fingers, causing them to point in five different, unnatural directions. "Don't get me wrong, Ms. Silka, I'm not cutting this short because of your delicate time-line..." Turning my attention to the guard next to me, he barely makes a sound. "I don't play by anyone's rules but my own. You really think any of you are truly safe up there? I'm not stupid. I easily could've used one of you." I make sure to point out.

"As you can probably see...I enjoy the person's pain before eventually killing him...or her." I let out as I distinctively look over at the Gamemaker. Without warning I walk to the front, grab the man's leg and with a powerful kick hit the knee and the loudest crack yet that sends shockwaves through the entire room as I see several of the sponsors removing themselves from the sight of it. "And I thought peacekeepers were tough to 'break'...even my father lasted longer than this he was a poor excuse of a man." I let out. "Cyrus Blue, your time is out...you're free to go." I hear from the Gamemaker says, but the lack of correcting herself gets on my nerve.

I don't respond as I walk behind the man and snap his neck in a rapid movement. "Now, I'll go. And may I remind you, Gamemaker Silka, my name is 'Joint-Wrecker'. As long as you can get that bit inside your head, I'm sure I'll find a way to behave among these monkeys that you have around me at all times."

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