twenty six

947 73 6

“and look at you,
you have so

When I woke up, I couldn't help but wince a little at the bright morning sunlight

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When I woke up, I couldn't help but wince a little at the bright morning sunlight. The curtains were drawn apart and there was light everywhere.

I winced again.

Too bright.

Sitting up, I looked around groggily. Slowly, very slowly, everything from last night started replaying in my head. It strangely didn't hurt as much as it did last night. All I could feel at that moment was the numbness, the exhaustion, the unrest after a storm.

My eyes trailed across the room and I vaguely remembered how badly I had trashed everything in here last night. It might have just been in my head, a dream, but the wall mirror was still cracked. 

Not broken, I sighed in relief, just cracked at one corner. And apart from that, well, everything was put right back into its place.

Even my bed was perfectly made, with my pillows right beside my head. I looked over at my nightstand and noticed a glass of water there. Someone must've come in here while I was asleep. Someone who was most definitely Luce.

Inhaling a deep breath, I picked up the glass and finished the water within seconds. My throat felt parched.

Then I got up from my bed, swaying a little, before picking out some soft trousers and a dark maroon sweatshirt. While going towards the bathroom, I mentally grimaced at the cracked mirror. What was that superstition about breaking mirrors? Yeah, seven years of bad luck. Just what I needed right now.

I had made such a big mess last night. What would Luce have thought when she saw this all?

I got my answer to that pretty soon.

When I left the bathroom, with my shower drenched hair pulled up in a loose ponytail and my face looking much refreshed than I felt at that moment, I walked out into the lounge. And then I noticed Luce, sitting on one of the kitchen stools around the counter, eating a bowl of cereal.

Her eyes darted up to me right as I took a step out of my room, and she momentarily stopped eating. "Good, you're awake. Sit down."

A part of me had been hoping that whatever happened last night was just a figment of my imagination. I hoped that I had imagined it all. But as I looked at Luce, at the troubled look on her face, I realized that it had all been real. Nora must've called Luce after I fell asleep.

Nora, my heart raced a little, she had been there for me last night.

"Morning," I murmured quietly before sitting down on the stool right in front of hers, across the kitchen counter, and fidgeting with my hands as I placed them on my lap.

"How are you feeling?" She asked, taking another spoon of her cereal. Her eyes didn't leave mine. Maybe she had a feeling that I was going to lie.

"Good." I lied anyway.

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