Confessions. 🥰😰

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This was written as TOS

GrouchySmurf: Leonard "Bones" McCoy
TheSpace_Siren🎶: Nyota Uhura 
The_Katana_Jedi: Hikaru Sulu
Lucky_Redshirt:  Montgomery "Scotty" Scott
Boy_Wonder: Pavel Chekov.

Lucky_Redshirt made a group chat with TheSpace_Siren🎶, The_Katana_Jedi, Boy_Wonder And GrouchySmurf

Lucky_Redshirt: Hello Everyone.
TheSpace_Siren🎶: Hey Scotty
Boy_Wonder: Hey there
The_Katana_Jedi: Hello
GrouchySmurf: Hi
Lucky_Redshirt: So, does everyone know Y I brought u all here?
Boy_Wonder: Isn't this 2 do with c
Captain Kirk and Commander Spock. Coz didn't we say we were going 2 make a group chat discussing this in the mess hall???
Lucky_Redshirt: Yes, like is it just me or do u think the captain and The 1st officer r quite intimate together?
TheSpace_Siren🎶: Yes, I've wondered that
Boy_Wonder: They r defo very close
GrouchySmurf: Yes, a bit 2 close 4 "Just Friends" id say
The_Katana_Jedi: Definitely, I've hardly seen them apart.
Lucky_Redshirt: Yeah, that's y I have a plan
Boy_Wonder: Ooh really what's zee plan?
Lucky_Redshirt: It's quite simple.
While we're all on the bridge, someone comes up 2 the captain and flirts with him. And then we can see how Spock reacts towards it, and also the captain.
The_Katana_Jedi: Interesting, So who will be doing the flirting then?
Lucky_Redshirt: Dr McCoy.

Bones (GrouchySmurf) falls off his bed

GrouchySmurf: Wait, What?!
GrouchySmurf: Y me?!
Lucky_Redshirt: Cause ur the closest 2 the captain and Mr Spock
GrouchySmurf: Yes, but my relationship status with the hobgoblin isn't 100% positive
GrouchySmurf: He'll kill me
TheSpace_Siren🎶: He does have a point Even though Vulcans r a logical race, they're also very possessive over their mates, even if they're not bonded yet. So maybe if Spock does have a thing 4 the captain, or if they r going out, he is likely 2 strike.
GrouchySmurf: Yeah, so I'm not doing that
The_Katana_Jedi: R u scared of Mr Spock then?? 😏
GrouchySmurf: shut up, no I am not.
Boy_Wonder: How about we all do this together, we can form a strategy, Uhura sits a few metres from Mr Spock, so she can keep an eye on him, and she can then give a warning sign of some sort if something is about 2 happen.
TheSpace_Siren🎶: That is not a bad idea and maybe McCoy u can give 1 of us a hypospray just in case things do start getting dangerous. Good idea Chekov
GrouchySmurf: Okay, Okay. I'll give Uhura and Scotty 1. Just 2 be safe. And please be careful with them.
GrouchySmurf: I guess I now have 2 be the love doctor
Lucky_Redshirt: Okay everyone, See u guys tomorrow, remember the plan, nighty night 👋🏻
TheSpace_Siren🎶: Goodnight Scotty
TheSpace_Siren🎶: Night everyone
Boy_Wonder: night
Boy_Wonder: Sweet dreams everyone
The_Katana_Jedi: good night
GrouchySmurf: night

Bones was having a hard time sleeping. Tomorrow he had to randomly flirt with his best friend, which is already going to be weird, and he still felt he was at death's door. All he can do now is just wait and see what the future entailed. "Spock is my friend, he wouldn't hurt me. Would he? And also we don't know for sure if there's some chemistry going on between them." And he was also worried about how Jim will react, because it is against Star fleet regulations, to flirt with superior officers. And also may lose his friendship with him.
It was morning,
Today was the day they'd find out the truth everyone met in the corridor outside the bridge, nervously and excitedly.
They had to wait there for a while for Bones to arrive, most of them just presumed that he'd slept in, he eventually trudged over to them,
'Okie, so does everyone remember the plan,' Scotty mumbled
Uhura, Chekov And Sulu all chorussed yeses, bones mumbled it and then sighed,
'Don' ya worry, Bonesy. Ya'll be fine,' Scotty insisted reassuringly  patting him on the back
'Yeah, don't worry we'll be right behind you,'  Chimed in Sulu
McCoy gave Scotty and Uhura a hypo each, they put them in their pockets, and all took a deep breath and went to their stations trying to act normal
If Only Mcoy knew how wrong they were.
Before Bones entered, he fished a sticky note from his pocket and quickly read it. He'd made himself a list and a bit of a mini script, of how he's going to flirt with The Captain.
He took a deep breath and entered the bridge, he walked over by The Captain's Chair, and lent on the armrest, 'H-hey, Jim' he said a little shaky at first, 'Heya Bones, what's up,'
'Y-you look very nice today, and are you wearing a new cologne,' The Doctor began 'Thank you, Bones. And yes, I got it as a birthday present,' he said not suspecting a thing, I think I'm sounding too platonic, he thought, he glanced at Scotty, who was egging him on with body language. 'I hear that it's shore leave, in two weeks, and I hear it's on a very exotic planet, and it's got good food, maybe, we could grab some lunch together at one of their fancy restaurants?' The Captain looked interested, 'sure, and also there's also meant to be some snazzy casinos there, and hold interesting clubs,'
Bones tried to make himself look very intrigued, 'yeah we should, do that,' bones replied,
'But what about Spock?'
'What about him?'
'Should we take him with us?'
'Nah, I don't think he'd be interested, anyway, you and it would be nice for you and me to hang out together again, alone'
Suddenly, There was a sudden pain in Bones' heart, when a crunch was heard from behind, Bones briefly looked over to Scotty and Uhura,
Uhura signalled a warning sign
Scotty was signalling for him to keep going
Bones took a deep breath and carried on, with his heart quickening and feeling a chill in his bones.
Meanwhile, Spock was indeed listening in on the conversation, he did not like where this was going,
'Jim is mine!' He said through gritted teeth, he could still hear McCoy flirting with the captain, Spock then began muttering in Vulcan 'T'nash-Veh, au nam-tor t'nash-Veh" Spock briefly turned around to see what was going on, and there was something that caused Spock's blood to boil. Mcoy was touching him!! He had his hand on his forearm. "And why would he leave me out, on their shore leave trip?' he may not enjoy it but he wouldn't mind as long as he was with his friends and t'hy'la, Spock thought, 'oh and Scotty should come to,' Mcoy added 'oh yes, can't forget our dear,  Scotty, of course,' the captain agreed 'What about Sulu and Chekov?' He asked
'Oh no! Chekhov's way too young for a casino! He can stay with Spock and keep him company,'
'It's great having you as a friend,  Bones,'
'You too, Jim. I'll never find such a charismatic and funny and nice a friend as you'
(McCoy did not think any of this of Jim, well he knows he's a good friend, he'd never really go as far as thinking, he's charismatic, heroic and handsome etc, he was just using it all to wind Spock up, and it worked. Spock had finally had enough)
'That's it!' He growled he leapt up and yelled at McCoy
'Ikap'uh t'du ru'lut! Au tor t'nash-Veh!' And leapt towards him to attack, he never really thought he'd liked McCoy that much, and now he was sure, 'Nash-Veh fnu-ven du!'
McCoy suddenly forgot all about the plan and ran out the bridge with Spock chasing him followed by a frantic Uhura and Scotty. Sulu and Chekov glanced at each other uneasily and followed the others out.
(Reader please think how confused the poor Captain, is right this minute)

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