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- NO POV -

On March 20th, two babies were born. Twins actually. When they came out they were attached to the hip. Carefully, the doctors separated they and did check ups on them.

Soon the doctors came in with the twins. Handing them to Jin Itadori. Jin smiled widely and held both children in his arms.

~ Age One ~

The family of four walked into a restaurant for breakfast. (Y/n) began to fuss when Yuji had to sit on the other side. Her step-mother (lady up top, her name is unknown) patted her back and tried to calm her down. Unknown to them, a family of three was behind the booth from them. "(Y/n), calm down sweetie." Her mother said. Just then, (Y/n) felt a hand on her face. She stopped and looked at what was in front of her. A baby boy her age with dark blue hair looked at her. She stopped crying and smiled at the boy. Instantly, she wanted to crawl more up to the boy. Toji, the boys father, watched the two children with his arms crossed. A small smile was ghostly hidden.

~ Age 5 ~

"Yuji, c'mon!" (Y/n) shouted. "I'm coming! You don't have to shout at me!" Yuji fussed. After their mother and father left mysteriously, they live with their grandfather. The twins grew more attach to each other, and couldn't live without the other. (Y/n) held her brother's hand tighter as she saw a scary looking curse. "What's wrong?" Yuji asked. She didn't want to tell anyone about the things she saw. "Nothing." She said and continued walking.


"I'm way faster than you!" Yuji smiled. "Nuh-uh! I'm faster than you! Bleh!" (Y/n) stuck her tongue out at him. (Y/n) looked forward and her eyes widen. She was about to run into a boy. She stopped but lost balance and fell on him. "Oof! Ah! I'm sorry!" She apologized. Megumi looked up at her and blushed a little. "It's fine." He said. They both got up and dusted themselves off. "Sorry again! I hope I didn't hurt you badly." She said. Megumi rubbed the back of his neck. "I'm fine. Just watch out next time." He said and then left.

~ Age 15 ~

(Y/n) frowned seeing her grandfather in the hospital bed. He's been like that for a while, and it upsets her that she can't do anything. "Don't make that face. You'll get wrinkles when you're older." Her grandfather said. She relaxed her face more and sighed. He patted her head. "I'll be fine. Just take care of that idiot twin of yours." He chuckled. "Hey! I'm right here! And I'm smart!" Yuji retorted. You laughed and nodded. "Clearly I'm the twin with a higher intelligence." (Y/n) smiled proudly. "You literally had trouble to open a bottle of water." Yuji sweatdropped. "I told you that they tied that one tighter! So drop it!" She pulled Yuji into a choke hold. He did the same to her.


"Do you have dance practice today?" Yuji asked. As they got older they've been able to be separated for more than a few minutes. (Y/n) has been dancing since she turned 7. She just loves to do it and it make hers happy. "Nope! I'm free today!" She giggled and wrapped her arm around his shoulder. "Great! Let's go to the club room." Yuji smiled and the two of them raced to the room.

"I won!" Yuji cheered. "No, I won! Are you blind?!" (Y/n) retorted. After a few minutes of bickering, they walked in. "You two still fight for whoever is faster. Give it up, you both run the same speed." Sasaki-senpai said. (Y/n) and Yuji looked at each other and back at the girl. "No we don't." They both said. Sasaki rolled her eyes and sighed at the two. Iguchi blushed as he saw (Y/n). "H-Hello, (Y/n)." He  greeted. "Hey." She smiled at him. Almost every boy in the school has a crush on (Y/n). It may be because of her body figure, but her smile makes it all the better. Some have asked her out, but they always get rejected.

The four of them gathered around the table ready to do their activity.

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