10 | Deal or Decision

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"Caroline. Caroline, Christ, wake up, honey. Don't do this to me." I slowly opened my eyes, panicking as I was terrified to death where I am. I happened to be in a bathroom, in embrace of my father. "Dad. Daddy!" I whispered, as I felt actual relief he's with me. We hugged tight, until I noticed him wincing in pain. He was bleeding. "Dad!" I gasped, checking the injury. He was shot, not deadly, but he was still shot and continued bleeding. "It's okey, I'll take care of it, it's fine." He said, trying to make me calmer. It wasn't working.

"You're bleeding! Dad, you're bleeding! What have I done? This all is my fault!" I cried out. Dad immediately wrapped arms around me, holding me in his embrace as he knew it helps me to stop panicking. "None of this is your fault, honey. Calm down, it's okey. It's okey." He continued to comfort me until I truly felt at least little better. I helped him to reach a sink basin, where we washed the deep cut, trying to make it less painful.

"Thank God, you're alright." I sighed as I could say the injury wasn't as bad as before. "I always am, it's my work, hun." He laughed out, little desperate as he gave me a look. "But what matters here it's you." I was confused. "What do you mean?" He looked really hopeless at that moment, it made me nervous for sure. "That son of a bitch, that terrorist, what has he done to you? His men nearly killed us! He would kill us too!" He exclaimed.

"Dad, I promise you that Hans is not like that. He's just hurt, you remember Takagi, he isn't who you thought. Neither anyone in this building. He killed Hans's parents and who knows how many people were ordered to die here!" I started to explain, but he wasn't in mood to believe it. "Caroline, this is crazy. He was just a business man, not some mobster, it's a simple manipulation, you have no idea what men like that German terrorist are. But I do and I won't let him ever get close to you!" My Dad said, slight anger in his voice.

"Dad, I was fucking attacked by one of these people of this building, that jerk Ellis, he tried to rape me but Hans stopped him! He saved me from him! I promise on my life, I say the truth when I say he's a good man deep down and not a psychopath you see him as!" I cried out, panicking how desperate I was. He could never believe me, I realized. "What..that fucking jerk did what..that dick tried rape my daughter?!" My Dad turned agressive. "When I'm done with this I'll kill him myself!"

"You don't have to since Hans killed him already. He was the second hostage who got killed, but only because of me, to protect me! Hans would never kill anyone of the hostages, if they are innocent, just believe me, Dad. If you love me as I love you..then..then please believe me." I sobbed, carefully squeezing his hands, which were full of scars and bleeding wounds. "You can promise that you aren't manipulated or drugged-" Before he could finish this useless check, I instantly responded. "No, it's only me, your daughter who was raised to recognize bad from good."

He little smiled for himself, squeezing my hands in return. "John, John are you here?" We both turned over Dad's transceiver to hear male voice. "Yeah, Powell, I'm here." Dad said. I had no idea who he was or how my Dad kept in touch with anyone as I was sure Hans cutted any contact so no one could call for help. I slowly realized everything is whole different story. Powell was a cop, well, one of many cops who were surrounding Nakatomi Plaza, waiting for their time to save hostages and pacify the terrorist group. Pacify Hans.

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