6 | Showtime of McClane

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"I'm gonna catch you!" I laughed, running through the garden as my Dad was chasing me

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"I'm gonna catch you!" I laughed, running through the garden as my Dad was chasing me. "I gotcha!" He cheered as he grabbed me from behind. "That's not fair, you are so fast!" I laughed, playing with his cheeks. "That's just like my job. Dad has to be fast to catch all these bad guys you know." He said, placing me on the chair. "Are all bad guys bad?" I suddenly asked. "Why do you think they are called bad guys?" He chuckled, pinching my nose. I giggled about it but nodded in the end. "You're right, Dad." I smiled, hugging him. "As usually."

"Dad?" I opened my eyes, waking up. It was just a dream. More like a simple lost memory of my childhood. I looked around to see I'm actually in a bedroom of one of the many rooms of Nakatomi Plaza. Taken a while to realize it's Hans's supposed bedroom. "You're awake." I turned and saw Hans rightly in the door. "Oh, yeah. Yeah, I guess." I said, trying put myself together. Suddenly, I noticed clothes on the chair next to the bed. "I hope they're gonna fit." I checked it and then dedicated him a look. "Where..where did you get these?"

"You know my true proffesion is a thief, not terrorist." He grinned. "Well, it's much safer proffesion after all." I commented. "I'm glad you're alright." He smiled for himself. "Here, glass of water. Maybe it will make you feel better." He handed me a glass. "Thank you."
I said and sipped a little. "Now, I think I'll just have to change." I said, nodding at the clothes. He nodded, but did not left. "Could you..could you at least turn away?" I asked, little nervous. "Oh, sorry, sure." He quickly turned away. I found myself smiling about his awkward but more shy behavior.

If criminal then why like this? I carefully put on the clothes to find out he really picked it right, it wasn't only great fit but it suited me perfectly. "How is it?" He asked, still turned away. "You can see yourself." I said. He turned and looked satisfied with his theft for me. "You look beautiful. I mean you already were..but you know." He smiled. "Danke." I thanked him. We stared at each other for a while, not able express one way or another.

"Oh, what's that?" I asked as I noticed a smaller bleeding scar on his cheek. "Huh?" He touched his face, surprised himself. "Don't touch it, wait." I said and took a tissue from the night table, approaching him. "Hold still please." I said and carefully wiped off the blood. He didn't move, only patiently waited and stared at me with surprise I dedicated to help him. "All good, I hope, but be careful please, did you hurt yourself?" I asked as I made sure it's clean.

"Perhaps, I don't really care..but thanks for pointing it out and helping." He said, actual softness in his hazel eyes. "It was the right thing to do." I smiled at him, for first time genuinely. He returned me the smile. "Well..means you aren't scared of me anymore..? Right?" He asked, actually nervous of the following answer. I was looking at him for a few seconds until I dedicated to answer. I didn't wanted him to be this pressured and nervous any longer.

"Ich habe keine Angst mehr vor dir." I answered for his eyes to brighten up. "Froh das zu hören, Caroline." He responded, taking my hand to kiss the top of it. I was warmed up by the gesture. "I think I was right about you." I said, deep down little uncertain. "What? About me?" He looked up. "You aren't evil..completely. I know now that you aren't what others say." I tried to explain. His hazel eyes shined. Not with happiness. But hope. They shined with hope.

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