8 | Is This Love

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"Mom, please, just stop

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"Mom, please, just stop." I swear this was getting worse and worse, my Mom not only happened to panic but was very mad towards me. "What have they just done to you? It's drugs, I know that! They nearly killed you!" I couldn't stand this anymore. "No one gave me any drugs, no one has done a thing to me, than Ellis!" I said in the defense, shaking. "Ellis?! Ellis was killed by that terrorist, Caroline! That psychopath who taken you away from me!" My Mom shouted at me, pure anger.

"Well he killed him for me, Mom! He done it for me to be safe and just because you try blame Hans, when he literally saved me life won't let me tolerate you act like this towards him!" I shouted in return. I noticed some of hostages turned my direction, but I had no better choice. "Yes, you heard right, he didn't kill Ellis for fun, he done it to save me, when Ellis was..when Ellis was raping me! I don't care if you won't believe me, I don't want to ever speak about Ellis again. Ever!" I said, nearly breaking down as I felt ashamed again.

Gasp issue for everyone. There was no proper response or any reaction than shocked faces. My Mom was the same, more hopeless. "I didn't know.." My Mom cried out, quietly. "It's okey, Mom, I don't wanna talk about it. But I promise that I'll get us all out of here, just let me do it my way, I assure you that Hans is not that ruthless as he appears to be." I said, looking at each hostage with hope they will understand. From their faces I couldn't say if they do, but there was no time to solve that. "I'll be alright, Mom. I will." I said, hugging her, before I approached Fritz.

"I have to see Hans, can you take me to him?" I asked. Fritz stared at my Mom in background and other hostages, like he thought there would be some lynching or whatever. "Please, Fritz. Es ist wichtig." I added, finally making him pay attention. He gave me a look, but then finally nodded in agreement. As we finally get into Hans's office he was no where to be found. Even Fritz found it lightly strange. "Where did he went?" I asked for myself.

"I will search for him." I made my decision in the end, but Fritz stopped me. "You can't, you have to return back to others, you could easily make this a trap and escape. And call police-" He started, so I instantly cutted him off. "Fritz, I assure you escape is truly not the thing I want." He raised his eyebrows "What is it then?" I dedicated him a look that expressed way more words that could have be said. "Damn, is Gruber really that lucky." He chuckled.

"Depends if I find him or not." I said, glad he finally allowed me to leave. "You really like him?" Fritz asked before I headed to search for him. Is it? The time to say it all loud even for other ears? It's not lie after all. "I do. Yeah, I truly care for him." I answered, trying hide the nervousness of mine. Fritz looked satisfied and fascinated by it at same time. "He cares so much for you, in fact he adores you. And that's something I thought I would never imagine him do about anyone." He admitted. "Especially after all that shit with his parents."

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