5 | Villain or Hero

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 "Where have you been so long?!" My Mom pulled me in her arms as I was brought back to lobby

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"Where have you been so long?!" My Mom pulled me in her arms as I was brought back to lobby. "It's alright, Mom, I'm fine." I said, turning of the hug for her to check me I'm not lying. "What did you tell him? Will he bring the sofa's?" Ellis suddenly joined. "Yes, he will do anything and he allows us to go in the bathroom in groups." I added. They didn't really listened as Mom kept studying me. "Why he wanted talk only with you?" She asked, certain suspicious voice.

"I don't know..but he wasn't as monstrous as we all thought. He said he will grant all requests, without hesitation." I admitted, reminding my confusion how basically caring he was towards to me. "Cutie, you are delusional, he killed Takagi! That makes him a monster and nothing will change that!" Ellis exclaimed. His breath stinked terribly, he must been real drunk. After all, what was left there than alcohol?

"A monster wouldn't behave like that, he would kill me as soon as he would see me enter his office." I said in my defense, fascinated I actually somehow defend Hans himself. "He might have weakness for her." Charlotte suddenly said as she finally could lay herself on the sofa. They all were talking quiet, so none of Hans's henchmen could hear. "What?" I turned her direction. "That's sick, that psychopath and my daughter, stop that nonsense right now!" My Mom argued, but deep down I knew they are right.

Somehow he acted differently with me than anyone else in this building. I couldn't explain why, but he just did. "That's a good use actually, I don't blame him though you are real hottie." Ellis chuckled, having another glass. "I beg you pardon?" My Mom frowned and took the glass from him. "I'm sorry, okey, just saying what that bastard thinks." He shrugged. "But he's right that your daughter is a good use. She could help us to manage some escape plan if she made him focus on her only." Charlotte nodded in agreement.

"What are you saying that my daughter is some trap or what?" Mom started to be really angry, but what other choice I actually had. There was something about this all. "I'll do it, if it helps you all...I'll do it." I ended my Mom's protests. "What? Honey, you don't know what are you doing! He's a cold blood murderer, he will have you as a toy and kill, didn't you listened to Dad sometimes?! He would go insane if he only heard a thing of this all!" She panicked.

"I know, but he would want me to save myself and you. And that's what I'm gonna do, get us all out. I will maybe convince him to let us go without any manipulation, I just know he does not have to be as bad as you all think." I said, little pushing Mom off my way as I knew she would try the best to stop me. "Or do you have any better plan?" I asked as she tried make me to change my mind. "There is a place near the window, there's a payphone, you could try call a help from there." My Mom said, carefully pointing its direction.

That wasn't bad idea at all. "But these men are watching us, it's impossible get out of lobby." Charlotte sighed. "It's not if they will pay attention to something else." Ellis said, nodding over Charlotte. It took her a minute to realize, but then she smiled in agreement. She started to yell, pretending she's about to give a birth. "Help! Help, she'll give a birth soon!" My Mom called over Fritz and two other men. They quickly approached Charlotte and didn't notice me and Ellis disappear.

"That's a hell of adreline!" Ellis commented with laugh. I tried shut him down to not make any noise, I really was desperate of him going with me. I excepted him to collapse from the unhealthy amount of alcohol by any moment. "Here's the payphone." I said, carefully reaching there. I tried put the police number, but unfortunately it wasn't working. "Shit." I sighed as I realized it's broken. "Fucking shit!"Ellis muttered, trying it himself. Hopeless.

"Then it will be plan B." He added, actually grinning at me. "Plan B?" I repeated. "You and that terrorist bastard, how lucky he is. You truly are damn hot, even better than mommy." He smirked, pulling strangely close. "Ellis, you are drunk and this is incredibly weird. Stop right now." I ordered, stepping back until he hardly grabbed me. "I can't resist you as soon as I saw you, don't lie to me saying you don't want it." He said, holding me close so he could touch my body. "Get off me! Now!" I panicked, trying escape but his touch was really tight. And painful.

I couldn't call for help, as Hans's men would propably punish us for leaving lobby, but I found it much better fate than this. "You'll like this." He smirked, pushing me on ground. That pig was about to rape me. Realization as disgusting as me just facing it. "Let me go! You fucking sicko!" I cried out, punching him. He growled as I punched him straight to face. "You are all weak for that terrorist, but with me you play like that?!" He turned agressive and torned my shirt. That was moment when I started to scream for help.

I cried, screaming, begging him to stop, until he started to scream himself. "No, no! Don't hurt me! NO!" I couldn't see as my eyes were wet from tears. I immediately wiped them and crawled to the corner of the corridor. I panicked as a hand touched my face, wiping the last tear. I gasped when I recognized it's Hans. "Oh God." He muttered for himself as he checked me and my torned clothes. I turned my look down from actual embrassment and fear I had. In fact, I was terrified way more than when I saw Hans for first time.

"It's alright, you'll be alright." Hans said, knelting to me. I still couldn't look at him, I kept staring at ground, praying inside. "He won't touch you, no one will ever again." He added. I slowly looked up to him. I was surprised he looked genuinely angry and sad at same time. He felt bad. For me? "That goddamn son of bitch." He frowned. "W-where is he?" I asked, my voice trembling. "Far from you, dear. I can promise you that." He responded, propably glad I'm talking again.

"I truly wasn't wrong about these Takagi's rats." He muttered. I was sure I was supposed to overhear it, but I didn't. I properly heard it and felt even worse. But something was brighter than ever. "You..saved me?" I suddenly asked as I tried figure this all out. "It wasn't saving, it was the most right thing to do." He said, giving me hand so I could stand up. "Why..why do you this? Just stop, I'm not what you want, I'm nothing than just one of the hostages." I sighed, turning away again.

"That's not true, maybe at first, but not now. You hear me out saying you aren't one of them, these day is innocence more special than any amount of money. Be grateful for it." He said. How I felt towards him? Impressed. That was the word. I could ask him many times why he does this and he would answer only partly. "Thanks for saving me before him." I said in the end, making eye contact again. He smiled for himself, nodding.

"Can you walk?" He asked me, trying to help me, but I was still shaking way too much to leave. Especially in my torned skirt and shirt. "Wait." He said, making me move back as I wasn't sure what he's doing. He lifted me in his arms, dedicated to carry me away himself. There was no time to protest, because I truly couldn't walk straight after this all. "Hold." He said and carried me away. I slowly leaned my head on his shoulder, closing my eyes like I wanted escape from this insanity for a while.

This insanity around me, but he wasn't it. I realized it as soon as I felt the most safe and comfortable in his arms. For many it's a true terror and insanity being this close to terrorist, but they don't know. They don't know or see what I in him. Did I actually happened to trust terrorist more than all these people in lobby except for my Mom? I actually did.

• • •

Hello everyone! Welcome to the newest chapter. This chapter wasn't even improvised, but I imagined it better. I am aware of the hate Ellis will get, but I never liked his character, so at this point let's hate him even more. But who wouldn't be interested in Hans as hero in such situation? I kind of enjoyed the idea and I pray it was given proper justice at least a little. Anyway I hope you enjoyed and I apologize for all my mistakes. Thank you so much for reading and see you in comments! Sending love

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