"Hello. I know you are there. Let's just cut to the chase. This whole scary murder thing is working and I am super scared so why don't you just get done with the killing thing and be on your way. It will..." Before I could finish my sentence, my room was suddenly filled with a lot of lights.

Closing my eyes from the sudden brightness, I felt footsteps approaching me. God, he wanted me to remember his face when he kills me. People really have a very peculiar personality. I suddenly felt two huge arms around my waist and I felt myself being pulled into the guy.

Great, he wants to kill me from up close.

"Open your eyes" I heard him speak.

Wait a minute. His voice sounds very familiar. I opened my eyes and there it was. The most beautiful pair of eyes I had ever seen in my life.

"Xander," I whispered.


She had tears in her eyes and I knew that the humane part of me ached. Her voice was soft and her hands on my chest felt like feathers.

"I remember telling you that I won't kill you, right kitten? I spoke, making my voice sound as dangerous as I could. I needed her to be scared of me. The talking will be so much easier when she does and listens to exactly what I tell her to do.

"I asked you something baby" I said again, though I am shocked with the word baby that slipped out of my mouth.

"I... I.... What are you doing here?" She stuttered out. Her eyes were staring right at me.

"I asked you something," I asked again with a hint of annoyance. She really needs to start listening

"I thought you were the guy from outside" She murmured looking down. Putting my finger under her chin, I brought her face closer to mine.

"Eyes on me. Understood?" I liked her eyes on me. She nodded. Our faces were close. Very close. I could feel her breath on my lips. She was very short. If I had sent Volkov to kill her, he could have killed her in seconds.  My eyes flickered to her lips which  looked soft. Very soft and I had the sudden urge to feel them.

The sane part of me tried to put some sense into me. 'You tried to touch her without her consent. There is no way she will allow you to kiss her'

I guess she felt my stare on her lips, since she pulled her lower lip between her teeth. Biting them. Her eyes were wandering over my shoulder and I hated it. I pulled her even closer to me, if that was possible and growled

"Eyes on me, kitten" Her eyes settled on my face and I felt content. Submissive and docile. I liked my kitten with no claws. She was beautiful. Everything about her was beautiful. Her eyes, her nose, her lashes, her mouth, her skin. GOD SHE WAS BEAUTIFUL. I was losing my mind and it hasn't even been more than five minutes.

"Xander, you are staring" She spoke.

Fuck. My name. How can you hate and love something at the same time?

Love??? SHUT THE FUCK UP XANDER. YOU ARE FUCKING LOSING YOUR MIND. I was mad and angry and it seemed like the little kitten sensed that. She tried to move out of my grip but I only tightened my hands around her waist.

"Don't fucking move, малышка (little girl)" I spoke. My voice came out louder than expected. I felt her freeze and her eyes closing in fear. Fuck, how fucking weak could she be.

"OPEN YOUR FUCKING EYES" I screamed. But she only shut them more.

"THEA, I SAID OPEN YOUR FUCKING EYES" I screamed again. But she made no move to open them. I hated being disrespected. And this little girl has disrespected me more times than any person alive or dead had. I growled in annoyance. Pushing her against the wall I placed my lips on hers. 

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