Episode 3: Heart Of Gold

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Lights and colours pierced their eyes. The display of the portal's effects surrounded them.
The sounds were loud as the world slowly loaded into view.
Suddenly, the heroes were ejected into the new world.
The colours of the portal slowly faded away as they found themselves in a new environment.
The world was not colourful. It was a cold desolate waste land with nothing in it.
The atmosphere was grey and purple with no structures in it. It was like a prison room where you kept mentally challenged people.

"This reminds me of the time we broke through the bedrock in the nether. Remember that Magnus?" Ivor said while dusting himself off.
"Yeah, you, me and Ellegard," Magnus said remembering the world above bedrock, "It was an empty, miserable place, I actually missed the hell below."

Phoenix got up and asked, "What is this place?"
"It's the realm of hate," Harper replied, "It's a psychological prison that warps your mind, twists it so that you see and believe things that aren't real. What's worse is that it also changes your emotions. It makes you lash out at loved ones and makes you so toxic that you end up creating a monster of yourself. Thus trapping you in a world where you emit hate to everyone, both real and fake. Forever."
"I remember the old builders would put unruly souls in here, some still stuck for all eternity," she continued.
"Yes, I remember this place, I've been here before," Soren said getting up and dusting himself off.
Ivor looked at Soren in disgust and walked up to him. He grabbed him by the collar and yelled, "WHEN?!? When were you going to tell us you were an Old Builder?"
"Ivor..." Harper begun.
"You, zip it, you are as much to blame hear as he and Otto are.

Otto sat there, clutching his side with a solemn look on his face.
Magnus and Gabriel stood there dumbfounded, not sure whether or not they heard their old friend right.

"Go on Soren, tell us, tell us all how you used to work for the enemy."
Soren sat up straight and begun his tale of his life as an Old Builder.


The portal opened on the Mesa biome.
Out of it walked the Old Builders with the newly rebuilt PAMA. The warm desert wind hit their faces giving them fresh new air to breathe.
"Maybe I've been gone for too long or I'm just not as smart as you guys," Cassie said sarcastically, using air quotes, "but what exactly is our plan?"
"It's simple really," Hadrian begun, "we can't take over Beacon Town that easily, we need an army and PAMA can give us exactly that."
"She has not only the ability to put humans under her control," Mevia continued, " but she can also control mobs. And yet that still isn't the full extent of her power."
"She can make the creatures she controls more durable, making them harder to kill and enhancing the nocturnal monsters to make them resistant to sunlight."
"So that's the plan? You're going to use PAMA to control the people of Beacon Town?"

"Not exactly, you see, the mind controlling is a process," Hadrian answered.

"So we're going to mind control the people and mobs of this world and send them to rule another world," Mevia concluded.

Cassie walked around in the clay desert, "where are we exactly?"
"*Bleep* this is my home," PAMA answered, "this is where I was created and where I attempted to takeover and make everyone useful. However, my mother teamed up with the Order of the Stone and they shut me down disgracefully."
"Which is why we brought her here," Hadrian interrupted, "PAMA will control this place as a form of revenge , symbolic if you think about it."
"Huh. Now it's starting to make sense," Cassie admitted.
"So, this is the plan," Hadrian said, "PAMA will control the people and mobs while you Cassie stay here and protect her while she begins the process. Mevia and I shall wait for your forces at the hallway, we'll ensure that no one will sneak or attack from there. We'll keep watch of the Beacon Town portal. Then when we're ready, we'll all invade Beacon Town, together."
"Soon we will conquer the entire dimensionverse," Mevia added.
"A full scale invasion," Cassie said as she put on her white pumpkin mask, "me likey."
"But first, we need a base of operations. Something to give PAMA power as she boots up."
"What are you thinking?" The white pumpkin asked.

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