Episode 2: Protectors of the Realms

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The unlikely heroes fell through the vortex, falling through space and time. Screaming and begging for it to be over, all they saw was the whirlwind of cosmic matter around them.
Then, all of a sudden, it ended. They fell out the tail end of the portal and were chucked out into the new environment, they all fell down in a pile.
They all groaned and cursed as they told one another to get off each other.
The portal above them closed, leaving the night as dark as ever.
The dark of the night was quiet, scarily quiet.
"Great, we're stuck in a foreign world with no way back AND our only source of light is gone! We are doomed!!! Just peachy!" Magnus yelled.

"We need to keep calm, we don't know what we could attract." Harper said, trying to ease the tension.

"Speaking of which, where are we?" Gabriel questioned.

"Well, wherever we are, things could not possibly get any worse." Magnus scoffed.

Just then, a creeper blew up behind him, sending him flying headfirst into the dirt.
"Creeper?!" he grumbled, "Aw man! How ironic. I got blown up by things I like to blow up. Turns out this day can get worse."

Harper's eyes widen with fear, "Does anyone have a torch?"
Soren searched his pockets and gave one to Harper.
Harper lifted it above her head to give light to the landscape.
Illuminated by the light, the group found out that they were surrounded by monsters on all sides.

"Everyone, run!" Harper screamed, lifting her sword.
The group ran through the dark valley. They evaded skeleton arrows and zombie bites.
Ivor and Harper cleared the path we while Gabriel and Soren carried an injured Magnus.
They eventually made it to a village. However, there was no one to help them as this village was long since abandoned and has become a ghost town.
The group hid in a house and tried to gather their bearings.

"We just can't catch a break," Harper panted, "we literally can't go 2 seconds without almost dying."
"I know," Ivor panted as well, "it's like we're not given any time to breathe."
"Regardless, we can't stay here." Gabriel said.

The monsters started breaking down the door, trying to get into the house.

"Well done, Gabriel, you are thinking smart for once," Magnus said sarcastically.
"Remind me again why you're here." Soren said.
"Don't look at me, I didn't want to be here in the first place. Also big attitude coming from you of all people, Soren."
"Enough," Ivor barked, "we are all getting out of here. Gabriel, Harper, you guys have the best eyes, get to the top of the tower and see if you can find anything to help us out."

They got up to the roof as Ivor tended to Magnus' wounds.

"Sorry I don't have my healing potions on me," he apologized, " I would have had you all spified up old friend."
Magnus looked at him wryly, "Why are you so determined for us all to be friends again? Why are you being so nice? What happened Ivor?"
Ivor didn't look at him, "Given what has happened to me recently, what with the admin taking over the world and all. I just fear that one day I will die without having tried anything to fix the toxicity among us. I would regret it when that day comes and I just want to try something. Even if I don't make a dent, I know I would have done my best."
Soren just sat in the corner quietly, thinking and contemplating about what Ivor said.

Just then Harper and Gabriel came down, they looked a bit more positive.
"We found something," Gabriel said.
"Past the mountains, we saw a light. Man-made ones, there could be people. There could be help."

Ivor sat with a dilemma. On the one hand, they could find sanctuary. On the other, they are in unfamiliar territory, so who knows what danger could be out there? Still, they were desperate, so he decided to chance it.

"Let's go," he said.

The group used some of my Magnus' TNT to blow through the monsters.
the group ran and ran to the mountains are climbed over the cliffs and ducked under the caves and they finally found themselves at the coast there was a village on the other side of the mountains, and there they could spot the light, so hopefully the group could find refuge.

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