"At 5 PM?"

"Yeah, I have to catch up on the missed classes. It has been like this ever since I started studying here. I'm like, 2 months late from the official start of classes so I really had to work hard to catch up." I felt like crying after saying that, it wasn't really easy since I'm still adjusting to all the new things.

I saw his face fell, I guess he was pitying me. "Oh, poor you. It's not that easy to adjust to everything. Given the fact you came from a different country." I sighed, "Yeah. That's life, I guess."

There was silence after that conversation, I resumed checking my notebook. I was overthinking that I might miss something. I didn't even notice the man serving my order, which startled me. "Oh my. Thank you so much. Sorry, I was checking my notes."

He smiled, "That's alright. Say, to cheer you up, if you come back here again, your order is on the house." I was shocked. What? I was about to answer, he spoke again. "Then after your next visit, I can give you some discounts. I really admire people who work hard, even if it means going beyond their limit."

My heart melted upon hearing that. For a stranger like him, I felt comfortable with him already. "Wow, uhm... I don't know what to say... Just... Thank you." I introduced myself to him, and he did as well. He's the owner of this shop, can't you believe it? He's THE Tok Aba.

We had a short talk about how he brought up this shop, operations have been going ever since the year, 1967. I was amazed, for sure he made a lot of profit with this shop. I also heard from him that his grandson, although I forgot the name, helps him in managing this shop.

"Do you know him?"


"Oh, my grandson. Boboiboy."

"Oh, I'm sorry. No, I don't know him." Should I know him?

"That's alright. You're new here, you'll eventually know more people here in the neighborhood."

After I finished my drink, I thanked Tok Aba and told him I'd be back soon. "Take care, Lia! Go home as quick as possible, it's getting dark." I left the cocoa shop afterward, all lightened up because of what happened. I took out my phone to message my mom, who is still at work right now. She didn't have trouble finding a job because her job back in the Philippines, relocated her to the branch here in Malaysia.

My mom works at Lazada Group; it's a technology company that focuses on e-commerce. She's a senior associate there, specifically in logistic operations. They do quality control and operations. To everyone who loves online shopping, Lazada is for you guys.

I sent a message to her saying that I'd be home in a bit. I told her about Tok Aba's Cocoa shop, which was the reason why I'm later than before. I was scrolling on my phone afterward, still walking to my house. With my attention not on the road, once again, I bumped into something.. Oh wait, it's someone.

"Oh my goodness. I'm so sorry. Agh, I keep on bumping into things lately." I apologized as I shoved my phone into my pocket. I looked at the person in front of me. Oh my, he's tall. I thought as fear was eliciting in my body. All I can say about him is.. he was wearing an orange cap, that has a symbol of B.

He gave me a warm smile, and what he said afterward washed away my fear. "It's okay! I guess you're preoccupied at the moment." I gave a sheepish laugh, "Yeah, sorry. I just came from school, and I'm heading home at the moment."

"Oh, at this time? It's already late. Let me walk you home."

I kindly refused, and said, "It's okay, no need. Uhm, I think I'm almost there. I'll be fine." Okay, I accidentally bumped into him, yet he still offers to take me home. It's kind of awkward for me, and in the same time, what if he was a bad man who's going to kidnap me?

"Don't worry, I'm not a kidnapper." He chuckled. "I mean if that's what you think. Besides, it would be rude for me not to walk you home. C'mon, it's getting dark." I guess I have a companion now.

As we were walking home, he started up a conversation. He said I was a new face to him, and asked me if I was new here. I explained to him about how I got here, and how's life for me currently. He was surprised by what I said, especially after knowing I study at Pulau Rintis School.

"Oh, I used to study there." AWw, used to. It's sad that I won't be seeing him in school. He told me he was in year 12, which was a pre-university level in their case. He explained that he is in a Biochemistry degree because he had been interested in that since he started going to school. He also explained the education system here in Malaysia.

I didn't notice that I already reached home, "Hey, as much as I want to continue our talk, I have to go now." I pouted. He gave me a warm smile, "Oh no worries. I'm glad to meet you today. Will I see you again?"

"Uhm," I started, feeling my cheeks go red. "Y-Yeah, I guess. We can just, uh, communicate through social media or something... But yeah of course! I just live here. Wait, we haven't introduced ourselves to each another!"

Can this day get more embarrassing? I saw him laugh, "Oh yeah. Sorry, I was getting immersed with our conversation to the point I thought we knew each other for around.. years."

"I'm Lia," I introduced letting out my hand for a handshake. "Lia de Vera. It's really nice to meet you. Thank you for walking me home today." I smiled. He shook my hand and said, "Really nice to meet you, Lia. I'm Boboiboy."

Crap. He's Tok Aba's grandson!

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