9 | Daughter of Enemy

Start from the beginning

I had no choice, I just had to nod in agreement in the end. Hans walked away and I stayed, waiting for any sign. I really did get sign when I heard Hans panicking. I quickly wanted to approach him, but when I looked out my blood freeze. Dad. There was my Dad! Standing in front of Hans. What was I supposed? I started panic myself until I realized what is Hans doing. The transformation in his expression and bearing were mindblowing. Hands shaking, eyes filled with fear, he swallowed and looked up my Dad.

"Please, God, no. You're one of them, aren't you? You're one of them. Don't... Don't kill me. Please, don't. Please!" Hans panicked, making my Dad nervous and unsure. "Whoa, whoa, whoa. Relax. Relax. I'm not gonna hurt you. I'm not gonna hurt you!" My Dad tried to calm him down. It worked. I was impressed, but very anxious by the situation. "What the fuck are you doing up here? What were you looking for?" My Dad asked, studying area. I quickly stepped back to hide myself.

"I managed to get out of there, and, uh..well, I was just trying to get up on the roof...and see if l could signal for help, you know. It's just through here. Why don't you come and help!" Hans perfectly lied but my Dad instantly stopped him. "Whoa, whoa, whoa. Forget the roof. They got people all over it." Hans tried his best, but he gave up in the end. "Come on. You wanna stay alive, you stay with me." My Dad instructed and Hans had no other choice than listen to him.

In the following moments, my Dad had an usual conversation with Hans. He acted to him like a normal civilian, he really fell for it. I didn't know what to do, there was no way how to help it. Hans was way good on the lying, he even made up a new name Bill Clay and much more. To be honest, as long as they were only talking, I wasn't that worried, until my Dad's sudden question. "You know how to use a handgun, Bill?" Oh no. "I spent a weekend at a combat ranch." Hans answered with perfect American accent.

"You know that game with the guns that shoot red paint? Probably seems kind of stupid to you. Well...time for the real thing, Bill." My Dad chuckled and then played serious as he handed Hans the gun. "All you gotta do is pull the trigger. Now come on." That was the mistake. As soon as my Dad turned away, Hans raised his gun at him, speaking to his men on the transceivers. "33rd. Floor. Come right away."

My Dad turned, but he wasn't that much shocked. Let's say he might even excepted it. "Put down the gun and give me my detonators." Hans ordered. "Well, well, well. Hans. That's pretty tricky with that accent." My Dad laughed. "You oughta be on fucking TV with that accent. But what do you want with the detonators, Hans? I already used all the explosives." Hans had no time for a single game, his dead stare was all I needed to see. "I'm going to count to three."

"Yeah. Like you did with Takagi?" My Dad commented. "But this time you picked the wrong guy. I'm not counting, I'll end you straightaway, you son of bitch." That was the moment where I had to act, without even thinking of the following consequences. "No! Dad, stop! Don't do anything!" I shouted, rushing to stop them both. "Caroline!" They both yelled out, my Dad louder. "Caroline, holy shit, Caroline!" Dad grabbed me in his arms, pulling me the most far from Hans. "What are you doing here?! You hear me, what the hell you are doing here?!"

"D-ad?" Hans repeated, slowly but shocked, he had struggle even spell it out. "What..what the fuck does this mean?" I tried make Dad to let me go, but he held me back as much as possible. "I wanted to tell you, I really did." I started, but Hans interrupted me. "What..what you wanted to tell me? That the girl I fallen in love with is an illusion? That she's not real? That she's only fucking trap to capture me?! Is it?!" He turned so agressive, that I couldn't recognize him. He scared me, but I faced the reality I couldn't blame him that much.

"No, Hans, please listen to me, this is not it, I assure you!" I panicked, trying fix the situation as I finally freed myself from Dad's embrace. "You lied..you were manipulating me the entire time! The entire time!" He shouted, pure anger, but I quickly noticed the actual sadness in his hazel eyes. This wasn't anger, but complete heartbreak. And it was all my fault. "Hans, listen to me, I promise I never meant any of this!" I begged as he still held the gun. If he wanted he could shot me. Immediately. Maybe that's what I deserved. I was a traitor in his eyes.

"Hans, I would never even try to hurt you, I promise. I admit, people down there wanted me to manipulate you but when I first talked to you I knew I'm not able to do that! And yeah, then that situation with Ellis and how I found out about your past-" I kept explaining, but he was hurt enough to listen. "My past?! Who told you..Fritz, huh?! So now you'll act it out like a weakness or what?! So you and your father have ways to end me?!" He frowned, holding actual sobbing.

What have I done? "No, Hans, I'm begging you, it's not like that!" I cried out, but my Dad instantly joined, putting me in back again. "You fucking brainwashed my daughter, I don't know what she is saying, but I know damn well what son of bitch you are and you'll not step closer to her ever again!" My Dad exclaimed, raising his own gun. "No!" I yelled out, pushing the gun from his arms, far away enough. "Hans, Ich liebe dich! Ich liebe dich!" I shouted, tears falling down my cheeks. He stayed still, widen eyes from the words he wished to hear more than anything.

"I wish I could make you believe when I say I have nothing to do with this all, but I am aware you can't. I just wanna you to know, I grown being fond of you. I really did. Each minute I spent with you I cared for you more and yeah, I'll rather die tonight than ever make you feel like this. You don't deserve this, it's all my fault I didn't told you sooner. I'm so sorry." I cried out. For my surprise, I saw a sparkling tear in his right eye too. He turned the gun up, still silent. I carefully tried step closer, until I saw my Dad in background prepared to fire.

"Get down!" I yelled out, quickly landing us on ground before my father could do any harm. Suddenly, we heard the ding of an approaching elevator. It was Karl, Franco and Fritz all prepared to shot. Before I could get myself organized, my Dad grabbed my arm, that tight I couldn't escape, dragging me away. As Dad was running with me to get lost, all three started to fire. "Caroline!" Hans screamed as they nearly killed us, but my Dad was fast enough to fire as well and kill Franco.

"Don't turn! Keep running!" My Dad ordered as he tried his best to pacify Karl, who couldn't stop hunting us down. I heard Hans's calling of me to return. I wanted, but at same time I couldn't as my Dad would most likely kill him too. "Let's see how you'll do with this!" Karl shouted, throwing something little, formed in black circle, towards us. "NEIN! Caroline, run! RUN!" Hans yelled to make me realize it must be an explosion. I quickly acted and squeezed my Dad's arm in return, running at speed of lifetime.

Then, all I can remember is that me and my Dad jumped through glass of another office and as soon as we landed on the ground there, with the dust of the explosion surrounding us, it all went black for me.

• • •

Hello everyone! Welcome to the newest chapter. This was propably hardest task yet to write it down, since truth been revealed and it might get even more complicated than it was already. Could John ever accept Hans as love interest to his daughter? Who knows, I guess we have to wait for me to come up with an update haha. I'm also very sorry for the GIF as it might not look the best, my software was acting crazy with me, I still pray it isn't complete disaster. Anyway I hope you enjoyed and I apologize for all my mistakes. Thank you so much for reading and see you in comments! Sending love

Exceptional Thief | HANS GRUBERWhere stories live. Discover now