If I was not wrong, he must be the father of Yuktha as I could see some resemblances of him in her and as for why he was in the same pic as my mom, explains only one thing. He must be that brother of my mom who she would always rant on continuously for hours, so proudly.

That explains why mom was making frequent visits to Yuktha's house. I just thought since she was feeling so lonely, staying all day in the house alone, she was going there to seek some company from Yuktha's mom.

But never in my dreams, I had imagined this would be the reason. So my mom got to know about her family.

'Is Yuktha aware of my mom's relationship with her family? She must be yet she chose to play dumb! The question is, is she aware of my mom's identity from the start itself, or did she get to know recently? Whatever, it doesn't change the fact that she hid everything!'

Fisting that pic in my hand, I marched out of their room angrily while holding the file that my dad asked for. After asking the driver to hand it over to my dad, I went to my car.

After getting on it, I tried calling my mom several times but she wasn't attending any. Having no choice, I called her driver and he informed me that mom along with Yuktha and her mom, rushed to the hospital.

Ending the call, I started driving there furiously as my mind still thinking about all the possible scenarios. After reaching there, I parked the car right in front of the hospital itself and stormed inside.

On my way, I asked about the whereabouts of Dr.Yuktha and got to know that she was in the emergency ward.

I was about to reach that ward when I saw her coming out of a room with a bright smile on her face and I looked around for the traces of my mom but she was nowhere to be seen. I could only see yuktha's mom and another lady who seemed to be the same age as my mom.

As I was inching forward, I got a clear glimpse of that lady and recognized her as the other one in the picture that was in my hand.

'So my guess is absolutely right!'

With this thought, I glared at yuktha whose face was still carrying the same smile on her face but it soon got wiped off when she noticed me and my angry stature.

I stopped in my tracks when I saw her coming on my way hurriedly after telling her mom something.

Seeing her tensed posture, I got to know all my guesses were correct and I immediately released a mirthless laugh.

As soon as she approached me, I immediately dragged her to a secluded spot and confronted her.

When she was still acting so clueless, I shoved the photo that I was carrying with me in her hands. Looking at it, she gave me a bewildered look and tried to explain herself but I was in no mood to pay heed to her words because I was fed up with that so-called family already.

So after informing her to tell my mom to come down within minutes and left from there, unable to hold these heavy emotions.

Sitting in my car, while waiting for my mom, I stared ahead blankly as my mind drifted to her previous question.

"So it was easy for you to accuse me and think bad of me just because I belonged to that family..right?"

She asked me this question while looking directly into my eyes. I could see the pain, hurt, and accusation in those beautiful orbs amidst the pool of glistening tears.

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