Chapter XII

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Into Your Arms

Why was Elizabeth in here? Was she-was she friends with them? With the A-List... is that why she disappeared? Did they hurt her.... Is that what Candice meant?

My head is pounding, and I can't think straight. The room starts spinning, and I fall to the floor without realising. Seconds later, Jordon comes running into the room.

"Lucy? Are you ok? We heard a thud. Christian said to come check on you. Are you ok?"

I look at him. The boy I considered my friend. Could he have hurt Elizabeth? Did he do something to her? As much as I want to ask, I know I have to be careful. I can't let my guard down, and I can't let them know I'm snooping around into their mysterious secret.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Sorry, I just tripped."

"Ahh ok. Here, let me help you up."

Are these hands gently helping me up also the ones that cruelly inflicted harm on Elizabeth? Was she even harmed?

My head is whirring and I know I have to get out of here. I need to escape and have some time on my own.

"Are the others downstairs?" I ask.

"Yeah, they've already started drinking. Come on." He follows me downstairs where we rejoin the group. I notice Christian is missing, but decide not to mention anything. Jaxton also seems to have disappeared somewhere, but he's probably gone off to drink alone like when I found him at Katie's. Eleanor is already acting drunk, Katie and Marcus are curled up together talking in low murmurs and Jordon has now joined Eleanor. Looking around I decide to excuse myself.

I head down to the beach for sometime to think. I look to my left left and see a figure on the rocks. I wonder if it's Jaxton? Against my better judgement, I start walking over to the silhouette. But as I approach, I realise it's not Jaxton.

It's Christian.

He's sat on the rocks, his hunched over and his face looking out towards sea, his forearms resting on his knees and an open bottle dangling loosely from one of his hands. I thought he didn't drink? He doesn't see me. Nor hear my approach. I stand for a few moments, silently drinking him in. He's so handsome. And so perfect. And yet a member of this group. A piece in the puzzle.

So why don't I fear him? Why do I still trust him? After all the clues and evidence pointing to their guilt, why don't I doubt him? Why am I content in his company and happiest when it's just the two of us. Why is it I feel safer than anywhere else on earth when I'm wrapped up in his arms? Why aren't I envisioning him and his hands having done evil deeds, like I now can't help but do with the others. How did this happen?

But I know the answer. Or rather my heart does. I don't know when exactly, or even how. All I know is it happened.

How did I fall for a guy I'd known for so little time. Who didn't even speak to me much if at all at the beginning. The guy I was told to seduce. It wasn't my choice we met, and nor was it my choice to fall for him. And I'm not one to take orders... Yet, here I am; stood on the shore at the edge of the water, under a full moon, staring at the boy who'd somehow managed to capture my heart.

"Christian..." My voice comes out breathless, as if I'd been running.

"Lucy?" He turns to me and cocks his head in confusion.

"I thought it was only Jaxton who stole away to drink." I tease, realising this must be the first time I've seen him drinking since I've known him.

Christian gives me a long look. "Sorry to disappoint." With that, he turns back to looking out at the sea and raises the bottle to his lips and takes a long swig.

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