Chapter V

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Last Friday Night (1)

I wake with a pounding headache.

My throat is dry and I feel absolutely shattered.

Slowly opening my eyes, I identify my symptoms almost immediately. I'm hungover. Dammit! I wasn't going to drink last night. What the hell happened? Lifting my right hand, I rub my temples in a vain hope to ease the unbearable headache.

Looking around, I'm in an unfamiliar room. What... where am I? I rack my brains, and that's when I remember Katie. I went to Katie's house. We got ready together, we got in a taxi to get to the party and I found a condom in my clutch. My clutch! I look around and spot it on my bedside table, thank the lord, and I reach into my bra to check my phone is still there. Thankfully, it is. I pull it out and press the screen to light it up.

Low battery

The flashing makes my head spin even more, so I turn the brightness down. Squinting, I see the time is 12.04. 12.04?! Sheesh! I slept in late. I have 2 texts and 2 calls from Emma, 1 call from Martin and a text from an unknown number.

I open the text from the unknown number first.

What a great partyyy! Hope you don't feel too crap this morning. Sorry for leaving you, I just couldn't get you into the car home! Call me, love Katie. P.s, I'm never partying with anyone except you ever again! You rock xx

What the hell? Ok. Firstly, how did she get number? And secondly, what the hell did I do last night? With a sudden jolt, I realise I can't remember anything after arriving at the party. And what the heck does she mean 'sorry for leaving you'?? Where am I then? Wait. Oh no... I must still be at the house the party was at. Goddammit.

Racking my brains, I try hard to concentrate through the pounding in my head. Where did Katie say the party was again? After a few minutes, I start to remember the conversation we had in the taxi. All I can remember is finding the condom... but now I'm thinking, I can remember what we said.

"Hi! Here's the address. Thanks." She hands the driver a slip of paper.

"Whose house is it at?" It suddenly occurs to me I don't even know where we're going. For all I know, the party could be a rouse and she's taking me to my death.

"Christian and Marcus'. They're the richest, so they have the biggest house. Plus their parents are away until Thursday."

Shit. That can't be right.

Someone please tell me that I did not just spend the night in the Goldman's house.

I decide I can prolong the inevitable no longer. Swinging my legs over the side of the bed, I slowly stand. I'm wearing the same as last night, except according to the little mirror on the wall, my hair is somewhat more all over the place. My make up seems to have all been wiped off, thankfully, although I'm not sure who's responsible for that.

Grabbing Katie's clutch, my phone, and heels I make my way to the door. I think I'll try just sneaking out. Oh shoot! I don't have any money for a taxi home.

Wait... I vaguely remember.... I open my purse to find Katie's emergency £20 note. Thank god, I can just pay her back Monday. Closing it again, I open the door and slip out. I look left and right along the corridor, before finally settling on the right first. Turns out, I was right, just like the path I chose. Aha, I'm funny... Oh god, maybe I'm still drunk.

I find the staircase, and so descend it carefully. My head is still pounding and my feet are aching mercilessly. Catching sight of the front door, I breathe a sigh of relief. It's so close, if I could make just make it ou-

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