Chapter IV

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Party And Party


Yesterday I was told I'm the perfect match for the Christian Goldman. Although, I get the distinct impression there's more to the story. It almost seemed like we have to end up together. Too bad for them: I'm not playing ball. I'm not even going to talk to them ever again. They already cost me one and a half lessons, from yesterday, and that's not prospective Oxbridge student behaviour.

I've managed to get through the first three lessons and break avoiding them. Surprisingly, Jaxton didn't skive double politics this morning, but I was able to hurry out before he had even stood up. Now it's lunch, and that's going to be harder because I need to buy lunch from the food court.


The bell rings, signalling the end of class, and I make my way to the lunch queue. I manage to successfully make it to the front, unnoticed. That doesn't mean to say I don't notice them. They have a table fairly central in the court, and I can see everyone there. Everyone that is except for Jaxton and Katie. Weird. Someone behind me taps my shoulder, forcing me to turn around, and I find out why they're missing. They're stood next to me. Somehow Jaxton has already paid for my food and has my tray of food in his hands.

"Come on then." As Katie loops her arm in mine, I feel the eyes of what feels like everyone in the room starting at us. Of course, I'm exaggerating. It's just my paranoia and discomfort at being the centre of any kind of attention. So I look around to reassure myself that not everyone is staring, just to ease my mind, only to find: they are staring. Everyone. How fantabulous.

"What? Oh, I've got to-" I start to pull away from Katie when I'm interrupted .

"I know you're avoiding us. Where were you at break?" Jaxton cuts in, his eyes boring into mine. "Now let's go." With that, he starts walking towards the table, my food tray still in his hands.

All I can do it follow, Katie walking beside me-our arms still linked. I do like Katie, she seems fun and bubbly, but that doesn't mean I want anything to do with the A-List.

"I'm sorry. Just... look, it's best if you just don't fight it." She sighs, whispering in my ear.

"Who said-" the look she gives me shuts me up and I huff. "Yeah yeah, stop with the eyes." She shrugs innocently and lets go of me now we've reached the table.

Jordon beams at me. "Lucy. There you are. Hiding from us? Low blow."

I snort and sink into the seat he indicates. "You wish. Hiding requires a conscious effort." I smirk taking a fry from my plate.

"Oooh! Don man, she got you there." Marcus laughs.

"Don? Nice." I comment, referring to Jordon's nickname.

"How about Luce?" I turn at the sound of Katie's voice. "Luce suits you."

I can't help but wince at the nickname. I haven't heard that nickname since-

"Lucy will do." A deep voice cuts into my painful reminiscence. I look up to see Christian staring at me carefully. Could he tell the nickname bothered me? But then that'd mean, what, he was helping me? That he cared? Surely not; he hasn't even spoken so much as a word to me before. But who am I to complain?


It's Friday again. For this whole week, someone from the A-List seems to have managed to find me every single lunch, no matter how hard I try to avoid them. Begrudgingly though I have to admit, they don't seem so bad. I haven't forgotten the little clues suggesting something else is happening, involving them, but nothing has happened in the last week or so. Nothing since I overheard Jaxton and whoever it was a while ago now and the weird looks exchanged last week when they invited me to their private hangout at school. So I've decided to let it go... for now anyway.

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