"Good to know," he deadpanned

"Please don't give me the cold shoulder Caleb," she said teary-eyed.

He let out a bitter laugh filled with so much pain and anger. "What do you want me to do Cassidy? Would you rather I give you my shoulders for you to cry on?"

"I didn't say that,"

"You know what, it's way too soon for me to pretend I've forgiven you, I need some time to heal first. Right now I can't look at you without anger welling up inside me so it's best you go."

"Can I just ask you one question Caleb?"


"Do you hate me?"

"I'm still trying to figure that out myself," he sighed.

Cassie nodded weakly "Thanks for the birthday gifts you got me Caleb, they're all so thoughtful," she said with a smile.

He simply nodded his head and knocked on the door, the officer walked in and took him away. 


Cassie got back home with still a lot of time to spare, she contemplated visiting Brady but got embarrassed once she remembered that he had been punched twice because of her. 

She dragged her legs to the kitchen to get something to drink, as she was about to pull the fridge open she noticed a note on it. Her heart skipped a beat, the first thought that came to her mind was that the killer was sending her another threat. She leaned in and then she noticed that it was only her mothers terrible handwriting. She took the note off the fridge and squinted a few times before she could make out what it said. 

'Your father and I have an important event to attend tonight, we won't be back till midnight. Don't go anywhere, you'll be in big trouble if you disobey me'

She wondered what her parents had to do that was so important, but she was also glad that they were spending time together till late. She hoped that they were working out their differences because the fight they broke into the other day was heartbreaking.

Her parents being gone gave her a lot more time to spare, so she racked her brain to figure out something productive to do with her time. Before Matt's death and Caleb's arrest, finding the killer was just more or less a hobby or a challenge a challenge, but after her world had crumbled finding the killer became her life's mission. She thought of what to do for a while and then she remembered reading in the article that contained information on Rose Bryson, that she had a best friend, Irene Andrews, it was Irene who found Rose's body therefor she knew she needed to have a conversation with her. 

She picked up her laptop and googled Irene's name, it wasn't easy to find there were many people with that name and so she decided to narrow it down by putting Freetown beside her name. She scrolled and scrolled and then she finally found her, she recognized her from some of the pictures in the other article, she was older now and bigger but she had distinctive features like her red hair and piercing emerald green eyes were hard to miss. In the picture she found, Irene was posing in front of a cupcake shop that was obviously owned by her since it had her name on it. Cassie had passed by the store a few times, so she knew exactly where it was.

It was already noon by the time Cassie pulled up In front of Irene's cupcake shop. She stepped out of her car and she still couldn't shake the feeling that someone was watching g her, she felt as if someone's eyes bore into her back she turned around abruptly and then she came in contact with someone, her heart got caught up in her throat but then she noticed that it was only a kid and he had dropped his ice cream cone because of her.

THE THIRTEENTH DAY - BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now