Going downstairs I see Gio and the twins in the living room talking about who knows what. Noticing my presence Gio ends the conversation with the twins and comes my way.

"You look beautiful Amore" He staring at me with an unknown emotion in his eyes. Even though I'm not one for pet names it's different with him I actually like it when he calls me that it sounds right I don't know.

"Thank you" I say grabbing his hand interlocking are finger causing him to smile at me before walking towards the door.

Outside the house are two bikes I give him a look that pretty much says what the hell. He laughs at my expression "I thought it would be nice to take you through my childhood and with that we need bikes." He says with this boyish grin. Glad that I didn't wear a dress and it's pretty chilly out here I agree.

Riding through the different fields and trees and trails has me so amazed I would kill to have lived here as a kid. It's beautiful there's so many flowers and greenery everywhere and the fields are all filled with lavender this place feels like heaven.

After a while Gio starts slowing up catching up to him he points to a little bike rack in front of us. Following behind him to the bike rake I get off and he locks the bikes for us.

"This is Villa Borghese" looking around I'm astonished if I thought the way here was heaven I was so wrong it's nothing compared to this. It's a huge maze with this beautiful building in the back and there's people in row boats riding on the water.

"I looks like a huge maze" I feel like a kid hyped up on sugar I'm so excited I want to run around I want to row boats I want to climb a tree I just want to do something.

"I know... hide n go seek?" now any other time I probably would've be like n- well yes but in this park hell yeah. "Duhhh your it" I say taking off running.

I hear him start to count I start going into this section not to deep so I won't get lost. "Ready or not here I come." I hear him yell. I feel like a big kid running through the maze.

At first I heard his foot steps but now I- "Found you" I nearly jump out of my skin when he popped up behind me. "You scared me" I playfully hit him and he just dies laughing I hate his laugh right now it's so infectious and I wanna laugh so bad but I'm supposed to be mad.

"You should've seen your face your were all like" he starts mimicking my facial expressions and I can't help it anymore I laugh. "Okay okay it's my turn go hide not to far."

After a few rounds of hide n go seek we decide to go boat rowing. "You take on and I take one slowly row" I'm a little scared at first because it's water but once I finally row it's better. "When mom would visit me and Ryan would come here everyday and not leave until it was dark and even then we had to be forced to leave" he chuckles recalling the memory.

"Sofia said you don't visit much you look like you love it here why don't you come more." He shrugs "No time I guess I'm busy a lot."

"You said New York isn't something that you love anymore maybe you should move here and teach here."

"New York is home to the person I love leaving without them would only make me not love here" he looks as an unknown emotion passes through his eyes.

"Tell Ryan to move here with you then"

"Huh oh yeah I don't know" he says in a strange tone guess he's never thought of it.

Rowing the boat in comfortable silence is peaceful I normally hate the silence but it's fine here.

"Your so far come over here" he grabs he rows for me I crawl over turning my self letting my back lay against his front. He gives me the row back using his free arm to wrap around me something he does in general he always finds of way to touch me. Not that I mind I really like it actually it makes me feel special because he doesn't like being touched at all by no one not even Ryan.

He lets Sofia hug him and Giovanni but quick hugs before he gets uncomfortable and you can see it in his face.

After a while of rowing I start to feel someone watching me in a creepy way. I look around but I don't really see anyone. "You okay?"

"Yeah I'm fine can we go" I turn to face him seeing confused and worry on his face. "We have a fashion show to get to" I say trying to convince him not to worry. He gives me an unconvinced look but he nods. "Row towards the edge."

Once we get to the edge we get out of the boat. And Gio pulls the boat a little on the ground so it won't float away for the next person. It's a little darker and I'm excited to see how everything looks at night especially since there's little lightening bugs out.

Riding during this time of night is just as beautiful as I anticipated. Gio is a little bit in front of me because I want to savory this moment.

Engrossed in the scenery I didn't noticed the car behind me until it got a little closer. I ride over into the bike lane to get out the cars way but it speeds up and slide closer to me. Is it just me or is that a little weird. Trying not to think nothing of it I continue riding but the car speeds up trying to hit me. I start to go a little fast but the car is still speeding up just before they're about to hit me I sharply turn off the road almost falling but regain control.

And the car speeds away. In the distance I see Gio riding my way. "You okay?" He asks "Yeah just lost control" I try to say as calm as possible not to worry him. It comes out pretty calm but on the inside I'm a wreak that was scary as hell.

"Okay come on" I know that tone that's the your lying an I know it tone. Nodding I get back on the road and continue on the way back.
I wonder who was in the car? Any guesses?
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