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I yawned as I opened the door to wild cards house. "Hello?" I called out wating for an answer. I then heard a rush coming down stairs. I checked the time and it was 8:05. Was I gone for too long..?

"Y/n hey!" He hugged me. "Where did you go?." I chuckled "Sorry, I went out for a bit" I then smiled and sat down. Wild card came behind me and hugged me. "I'm..sorry you know." I sighed. "It's not your fault.. it's hers.." we were silent for about a minute until the door bell rang. "I'll get it" wild card said and hurried off to open the door. I then heard a bash and ran to the door way to see wild card holding a stranger around the neck. "Who are you!" He yelled. The man then looked like he gliched and was behind me! Guessing he could manipulate energy then..

"I don't want any trouble I'm just looking for my son!" He exclaimed.. I felt bad.. he looked truly upset..

"Your name?" I asked looking at him.

"Osiris..my name is Osiris." He said. I gasped. "No way!" Wild card and me both looked at eachother in excitement. 

Osiris was the Ancient Egyptian god of the dead, and the god of the resurrection into eternal life; ruler, protector, and judge of the deceased. His cult originated in Abydos, where tradition locates his tomb. Osiris was the first child of Nut and Geb, and brother of Set, Nephthys, and Isis, who was also his wife. Osiris possesses powers above most of the Egyptian Gods except possibly Seth. He has superhuman strength, stamina and resistance to harm. He has several powers elemental in nature as well as the power to manipulate energy.

"Well I'm y/n and this is wild card!" We welcomed him with open arms. Of course we were cautious but you know, he was looking for his son. "Have any of you seen my son? His name is Ori and I'm afraid he's going to do something bad.." he sighed. I felt faint. "Hey um... wild card?..." my head was dizzy and my legs became weak. "Y/n?..y/n!". I then fell head first onto the floor.

I woke up in hospital. "Wild card?" I called out. No one was there apart from... "Ori?" He laughed. "Hello, I saw you get carried into the hospital so I just had to come take a look.." it was silent. "I.. brought you coffee!" I smiled. "It's free don't worry" He said. "Thank you..have you seen-"

"Y/n I'm...here." Wild card squinted his eyebrows at Ori. "Who the hell are you?" Ori cleared his throat. "Someone who is now leaving." Ori then vanished like a spark. "Who the hell was that?!...y/n?" I stuttered. "I don't know." Wild card sighed then sat down. "Today has been the most weirdest day ever."

I walk into my house and turn the lights on. "Surprise!" Everyone had got together and made a surprise party for me? "Guys this is amazing! "It's was Wheels, he wanted to do something special for you." I hugged wheels and everyone else. "Thank you all it means a lot." We all got to partying. Snacks, drinks, music was everywhere. It was amazing.

Knock knock

"I'll get it" I said. I stopped dancing with Guppy and went to the front door. I opened it. "Hello- whoa hey!" Osiris burst past me. "WHERE IS HE?" the music box broke down. "Hey chill!" I put Guppy behind me. "Ori! WHERE IS MY SON!" I felt like a fight was about to break out. Black smoke appeared behind him. "Shit."

"Now, now Osiris we'll find him" hera smiled. "EVERYONE RUN" I shouted. I grabbed Guppy and ran towards the back door. "Noodles!" "On it!" He stretched out his arm and opened the door. "Come on faster!" Wild card said. I thought Osiris was good what the hell! Hera and Osiris started shooting magic out of their palms. The walls of my house started to crumble and fall. "No!" I stopped running and turned around. "Shit!" I called out and ran towards them both. "This was our house Hera! Me and my dad's!" I threw punches at Hera while trying to block Osiris's attacks. Hera laughed. She slashed my leg with a knife. Blood poured out. "AH!" I got down on one leg and doged Osiris's punch. "BACK OFF!" I fly kicked Osiris in the jaw. Hera grabbed my arms before I could do anything. I kicked Osiris sending me and Hera backwards. I cant do this on my own but I'm not putting my friends in danger. Shit..

"ORI!" I called out. Osiris was about to stab me in my face when Ori appeared out of a vortex and slammed him into the ground. I don't want wild card to think something is going on when it's not.

"Son?" Osiris said.

"Hey dad."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 24, 2022 ⏰

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