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Haerin eyes darted on her phone screen searching for a cafe that mark just send her, ahh and yes mark come back to korea since hyuck kinda need his help on the business. The first thing that catches her eyes is her husband sitting a few rows from where she stood and subconsciously,she smile.

She saw mark sitting infront of the tanned boy but what surprise her was he's not like his usual bright self its like he's glaring the person beside hyuck. Her smile faded away when she see a girl sat beside haechan arm clinging on him. She felt her heart clenching at the short looking hair girl that look familiar to her but surprisingly haechan didn't react instead he just let the girl fixed his hair "is her again? And what now he cant move his muscles anymore?" She scoffed.

Mark on the other side looking like he's going to ripped the girl throat in just a second. Haerin quitely took a seat behind them eavesdropping their conversation. "hyuckie you become so much more eye-catching now since the last time i saw you"

"Oh and i miss you!" She added

She averted her eyes to see haechan figure to see his reaction. She let out a groan cause all she can see is the tanned boy back, haechan nodded his head "i miss you too" mark rolled her eyes at his best friend taking quick glance at his phone. "oh and hyuckie you remember when mark-" she got cutted off when mark suddenly slammed his hand on the table "where the fuck is haerin?" Looking at haechan completely pissed. It must have caught the tanned boy off-guard sitting straight "a-ah i think she hang out with her friends today" he stutters

The short girl scrunched her face at the mention of her name "hyuckie? Who's haerin?" Her face is no longer smiling rather she looks like she's about to lose it if anything wrong comes out from their lips "its just someone that i know oh y-yeah my business partner!" He said in monotone.

"The fuck dude? What the heck is wrong with you?! I thought you lo-"

"Just because I always hang out with her doesn't mean im in love with her" haechan fight back. Haerin clenched her fist trying to calm her anger issues who knows haechan could have a ulterior motive to do?

But the next thing she knew she can't control her self anymore "she sounds annoying" the girl said placing her head on haechan shoulder "yeah she is.she always cling on me everywhere we go i dont like her she's clingy as fuck"

'clingy as fuck?'

Without thinking she jolt up from her seat making aloud thud causing people inside the cafe turn their attention towards her. So does the three

The short hair girl turn around first knitting her eyebrows as if she's gone mad I mean like yeah she does, mark let out a loud gasp when he see haerin stood there eyes stayed at the tanned boy. Hyuck, He widened his eyes face looking paler well at least he's aware of the situation HE got himself into.

Haerin came to the three giving them a mischievous smile "baby- did you eavesdropping us- listen i-i can ex-" she poked the side of her cheek chuckling at his foolish almost apology well ALMOST because he can't finish his word "this is bullshit" she laugh

Mark eyes look like it almost popped out from his socket 'oh dang she's bold' he thought not knowing that haerin also have this psychotic side. "I guess my friends were right" she clapped her hand slowly before stepping out from the cafe.

oof rip haerin and hyuck relationship anyways two more chapter and boom bye bye you all

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