Chapter Seven (Edited) (Trigger Warning)

Start from the beginning

"It's a big world with little people left, Lease," she said, an eerie smile on her face. I felt a shiver go down my spine as she moved the knife by her throat. "Its better know about each other. See, secrets get you killed in this world."

She moved the knife across her throat as she said that, pretending to slice it.

"I think a smart girl like you would know that," she said, cocking her head at me. Her brown eyes looked as though they were black, and it made me more on edge than I was already. "Its better we trust each other."

Then, she raised the knife and threw it at me.

She laughed as I flinched, dodging the knife at the right time. As it flew past my head I noticed that the aim was off to begin with.

"See, if we trusted each other, you wouldn't have flinched," she said, letting out a laugh that didn't seem like it fit her. I clenched my jaw and was tempted to throw my own blade at her to prove her theory further, but I held myself back, because I knew that I wouldn't miss.

"What do you want from me, Sienna?" I asked, eyeing her impatiently. She focused on me and took a few steps forward.

"I want you to realize you're hurting yourself and other people," she said simply. "It sounds to me like you're the kind of girl with trust issues. Well, these are good people here. They want to help you and by you pushing them away you're hurting them more. It's kind of like...biting the hand that feeds you. They're still helping your boyfriend-"

"He's not my boyfriend," I said shortly, cutting her off. I didn't understand how her words sounded as though she cared, but the tone she used insinuated otherwise. I didn't even understand why she wanted to help me, much less why anyone here ever wanted to help me in the first place.

"That boy, then," she corrected herself, sounding bored. "Well, Darlene is still helping him, but once he gets better...Let's just say I wouldn't want you here with the way you've been acting."

I didn't say anything. She had a point. I didn't want to leave at first because I assumed Craig would have been up by now. He was the people person. I figured he'd do all the talking. But now, I've been setting a bad standard for staying here. Especially with what Liam said, it looked like we'd be out on the streets as soon as he could walk.

And that was not an option.

"I smell doubt," Sienna teased, shaking her head. "See, if you were smart, you'd open yourself up, but you wouldn't get attached."

I considered her words for a second. Could I open myself up without getting attached? Could I play them so that I wouldn't get hurt? How well could I play pretend?

"All I'm saying," She started, "Is that after that boy wakes up, he'll be weak and he'll have to recover. At this rate, you'll be out by the time he wakes up. You've given them zero reason to trust you, to think that you're not some crazed creature from the wild. Plus, if you're burning bridges right and left, why should they let you stay? Take it from someone who knows these people."

"Why are you helping me anyways?" I asked her, my hand still on my knife.

"Because you need help," she answered, "And you're being a dumb, mopey bitch about everything and I'm sick of the impact it's having on the others. You just need to realize that even though the world has gone to shit, you need to appreciate and make the most out of things while they last, and let go of them when they're gone. Right now, you're worrying about something that hasn't happened yet. If you're too afraid to live, you might as well off yourself right now."

"You're right," I said. I wasn't sure how I felt at that moment, but I knew she was right. I was a total mopey bitch and I needed to be smart about this, for Craig. But she did have a point with the other things she said as well, too.

The Dead and the Restless (Completed with undergoing editing)Where stories live. Discover now