I bumped in to my enemy.

Start from the beginning

Oh how I wish I could diffuse through the screen and strangle you.

I have a name so please, no thanks.

But I haven't got the luck of knowing your first name.

So Blueberry, it is

Gah! Stop it, will you?

I'll just tell you my name.

That's what I thought.

Oliver smirked in victory. She was finally going to tell him her name. Be sure him, Mathew gave him a look and shook his head, muttering something about how Oliver's mom had confessed to have dropped him on his head when he was a baby.

But Oliver was too lost in his thoughts to hear him.

And he was too lost to look where he was going.

"Oliver, watch where you are going!" Mathew's warning cane about a second late.

With his eyes fixed on the screen of his cell phone, Oliver ran in to someone hurrying along the hall way, his body colliding with the much smaller person.

His free hand automatically moved to grip their wrist, straightening the person on there feet as their own hand grabbed on to his shirt.

"I'm so sorry.." he started sheepishly but the words died on his throats as his gaze moved down, meeting a pair of familiar eyes.

Behind him, Mathew cursed.

But he was too lost in her eyes to realize how much trouble he had got himself in to.

He took a moment to observe her, his heart pounding at how close she was to him. So close that he could feel the heat from her body embracing him like a soft blanket. She was dressed in a purple skirt that reached her knees and a matching one shoulder off crop top, the purple colour somehow managing to compliment the brown of her skin that was a hereditary gift from her South Asian genes. Being a half Asian had done nothing wrong to her appearance, he always believed. In fact, it had made her even more beautiful. Her raven black hair was pulled in to a half ponytail behind her, the long bangs caressing the sides of her heart shaped face. He found her small hand gripping tightly to him, clutching a handful of his shirt, free hand holding her cell.

Oliver tried his best not to stare at her face cause that always turned out to be his weakness other than her feisty attitude and smile. But as usual, he couldn't resist and in the next second, he found himself staring in to her big doe like eyes that he always lost himself to.

Her eyes were a mix of grey and green, perfected with her long eyelashes and eyebrows. He always thought that her eyes resembled her soul. Young, tender and playful like the soft green tendrils but also deep, strong and fierce like a storm.

Sunshine with a little hurricane.

Anya Verlice, the girl he had been in love with for five years.

Yes. He had lied to Cassidy when he said it was three years.

The first day he saw her, in her hello kitty jersey and frilly skirt, jumping all around in excitement, he had started to like her. She looked so carefree and happy with her dancing eyes and huge smile that he couldn't help thinking about her.

But for two years, he couldn't gather up the courage to sneak to her.

Other than the occasional waves and smiles from her, there was no conversation between them. And every time she would wave, he'd look away to hide his flaming cheeks.

And when they were sixteen, he played a prank on her. If he was being honest, he did only with the motive to make her laugh and grab her attention on the way.

But his plan backfired.

He had no idea idea that she was that scared of spiders. Even if it was a rubber one.

He still remembered that moment as if it was only the precious day.

She had looked in to his eyes, her own eyes filled with tears of rage, clenched fists trembling as she announced that she hated him. And then, he realized that she'd never return his feelings. So he acceuted her enmity.

Since then, the whole school knew Oliver Donovan and Anya Verlice as the worst enemies of each other.

But it didn't mean his feelings had changed.

She was the girl he always liked. Maybe even loved. The bubbly cheerful girl who had quite a temper that was a contrast to her smaller frame.

Suddenly realizing the position they were in, she pulled away from him, her eyes flashing with anger as well as another emotion he couldn't place.

"Donovan." She hissed.

"Verlice." He returned the favour, pulling on an emotionless mask.

He watched with a pained heart as she furiously rubbed her hand that he had touched, against her top, nose scrunched up in a gesture of disgust.

"If I didn't have anything important to do, I'd spend a moment to teach you how to walk without bumping in to others." She said with narrowed eyes. "But considering that I have other important matters," she wanted her cell phone in the air. "Farewell, Donovan."

With that, she pushed past him and marched away, purposely hitting his side with her shoulder, the maximum height she could reach.

Oliver sighed. How could he ever tell her how he felt when she hated him with a passion?

His cell phone beeped and he wordlessly checked out the new texts from Cassidy.

Sorry for the late reply. I just ran in to my enemy. That guy doesn't know how to walk properly.

Oliver froze.

Could it... could it Be?

No. No. No.

There was no way.

He swung around, heart thumping heard with excitement as his eyes eagerly searched for the familiar figure.

And then, he saw her, just rounding the corner, a soft smile on her face as she stared at her phone's screen.

His phone beeped again.

Almost feeling dizzy from the thousands of emotions, Oliver checked the text.

And yeah. My name.

Another beep.

It's Anya.

Anya Cassidy.


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