Operation Lovey Dovey

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Crazy Girl,

You there?


You asleep??

Hard to be when your damn phone is screaming bloody murder.

I see you corrected that auto correcting thing.

I sure as hell did.

Now can I know why u texted me?

Can't I text you?

Aw come on.
I thought we were friends.

More like.. yeah. Whatever.

May I remind u that it's the bloody middle in the bloody night????

I'd practically strangle Benny if he dared to call me at this time. And what makes u think u are any different?

Why are u texting me in the middle of the night??????

She said she hates me.

Good for you?

Be serious, Crazy girl. I'm freaking dying here!!

She said she that she hated me!!

Did u call me at 1. 46 a.m. to say that your enemy on whom u have a massive crush on, said that she hated you??

What's wrong in that??

Go back and read the first part again. It's bloody 1.46 in the damn morning!!!

Do u have a death wish, stranger??

That's not the point. She said that she hated me.

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