31 New Perspective

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"Nothing bad... this was..." I started, but admitting it out loud was terrifying.

"It was what?" Austin asked, ready to pounce.

"Veronica," I said, furiously looking away.

Gasps were let out across the room. I never told Caine, Niko, or Meeka how it happened. They just assumed it was someone else.

"Not funny bro," Niko said.

I turned and glared at him. "it wasn't meant to be funny. She did it. Ash is trying to catch her right now."

Niko shrank back. I turned back to Austin. He was back to looking at Scarlet's frail body.

I could see the concern all over his face. Although he'd married Charlotte, it was so very evident that he never got over Scarlet. Who would? he ran a shaky hand through his hair. The kindness from his eyes drained away.

He finally looked up. "Okay, why did you call me?" he asked, sitting down beside me. My arm was getting tired from holding it out over her but it didn't matter. I could deal with it for her.

"Well," I said, "She lived with you for much longer than she did with me. I want you to tell me, what would Scarlet want?" I said quietly.

Caine, Meeka and Niko left the room realizing what I was asking Austin about. It was serious.

And illegal.

Auston's eyes largened. He then looked to my arm. "That's why you're keeping her alive for a bit longer?" he asked.

I nodded. "She doesn't have much time left."

"It's illegal," Austin said.

"When has that ever stopped me before?" I snapped back.

"You killed someone last time," he said angrily.

"That's where you're wrong. I think it actually ... worked on Chelsea." I said, scratching my head nervously with my free hand.

"What's that supposed to mean?" He asked, tone darkening and eyebrows furrowing.

I let out a breath. The truth was painful. "Veronica told me tonight that she's the one who killed Chelsea. After I'd already turned her."

His face softened. "Shit. I'm so sorry man," he said, and it sounded genuine. I tried to offer a small smile but my lips wouldn't stop making a straight firm line.

"I should be sorry. I don't know how Veronica hid it from me for so long," I said, anger bubbling inside of me once again.

"I can't believe she did it to you twice now!" Austin yelled, frustrated. "Where's Ash going to take her when he catches her?" He asked.

I sighed. "In my palace. The dungeon in the bottom of the castle will be suitable."

He nodded.

We sat there silently. Just basking in the pleasure of each other's presence. We used to be best friends. Now we were much less. Sitting here with him gave was reminding me why we were friends in the first place.

"I don't deserve these people, Austin," I said to him, ashamed of myself. "If I give Scarlet the chance to live again, she doesn't need to be with me. She just needs her life back."

Austin stayed silent. I would regret admitting this to him, but strangely, I needed to get it off my chest. I failed to protect her. I can turn her into a vampire and let her go wherever she wanted to, away from me hopefully. I felt my eyes set in stone as I began to shut myself off from the rest of the world.

Austin spoke, finally. "No."

"No?" I asked, when he didn't continue.

"I know how Scarlet feels about you. She'll want to come back to you. One thing I learned when I was with her is that being overprotective is what she dislikes the most, to the point where she'll just..." Austin's voice trailed off. "Leave," he finished. "She'll hate you if you hate yourself over being the reason why she got shot. She doesn't want that. Whatever decision you make about her life, just remember that she'll never blame you for her current situation."

I looked at him, shocked. He was absolutely right and I felt like I stole his girl from him. It hurt to see an ex friend in such pain, because Austin Woods was clearly still hurt from Scarlet leaving him.

"I'll keep your advice in mind," I said to him. It was snowing out so he grabbed the jacket he'd brought with him and put it on.

"Let me know what you decide," Austin said. "And yep it quick. Let her escape her misery in her current situation of pain. Your blood won't help for long," he said.

"I will. Thanks."

Austin left. It was now Scarlet and I. I looked down at her, my arm still raised above the wound.

It wasn't fair. I wish I didn't have to make this choice for her.

Scarlett's ultimate wish was to be with her family once again. It struck me that if I turned her into a vampire, she would never be able to go back to them. They would realize she was different and all hell would break loose. It would be like she never returned home. However, if she returned to them, dead, they would have closure. They could finally move on.

I sighed. It was either think in the best interests of their family or think of my own greedy desires.

I felt like I had aged with all the stress. My arm had now been giving her blood for around 2 hours.

I moved it away from her and stopped the blood flow. I felt her pulse - it was slowing down.

I then sat beside her on the bed, contemplating how my life will be without Scarlet.

I didn't like the truth of it at all.

To live or not to live? I already had the answer.

Catch Me If You Can (Naughty Cinderella - Vampire)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin