Disco music was playing loudly. Everyone was super hyped up. Some people were really giving it all, almost as if they were waiting for this moment all their life. Some people were grooving along to the beat. Some people were dancing with another person they probably wouldn't meet ever again.

And Brian was one of the people who was dancing with another person.

I was leaning against a standing desk, sippin on some fruit punch that actually tasted quite amazing. Maybe that was one of the one things I found great about the party.

Brian was dancing like a swaying tree. It was a pretty funny sight, until this random girl pulled him by the waist, joining him with his dancing.

She was so close to him, it kind of hurt me. Physically. She was rubbing her body against his. Yikes.

Brian had his hands up, waving them like he needed help. (I should stop making fun of his dancing.) And that girl was starting to become sluttier and sluttier as time passed. One of her moves included bending over and shaking her ass right on his crotch. Come on, woman.

Before I decided that that was the worst move she had done, the worst was yet to come. Once she did her "sexy" stand-back-up moves, she turned around, grabbed him by the waist with one of her hands, and the back of his head with the other. Then she pulled him in for a messy make out session.

I was feeling so sick in the stomach. I had to go somewhere quick before I puked on the floor. Then I would become "the nerd who puked because he couldn't handle the sight of his best friend being kissed".

Where was the toilet? Fuck that. It was coming up soon. I should just go outside and find a tree or something.

I stumbled through crowds of people, making my way out of this shitty place. Was there something in that punch that made me have this reaction or was that girl simply just too gross to Brian.

When I finally found the door, I pushed it with all the might I had, and walked as quickly as possible before vomiting out all the contents in my stomach.

Just bear for a while and it would be alright, Roger.

I turned right, heading towards a garden looking place. There was nobody in that area.

Perfect for puking.

Before I even knew it, I started to throw up on the grass.

The scenes replayed in my head, making me even angrier and disgusted. I thought the vomit in me was the representation of the things I just saw minutes ago. And I wanted to get it out of my head. All of it.

Suddenly, I felt someone touch me. I thought that I fucked up and was about to be beaten up, but the person patted on my back, assisting me.

"It's okay. Get it out. There's no one else here, don't worry," the person said. Why was this person being so nice to me?

After I was done, feeling weak and wrecked, my legs kind of gave up on me. I fell to the ground, unable to walk normally. I let myself be carried by this very nice person. I thought that I was probably just imagining all this. Why would someone be so nice to let me rest on their lap-


"Rest. You need it." He pursed his lips. "I'm sorry... I'm sorry for being so selfish. Only caring about my own fun, and totally neglecting the fact that you weren't feeling good at all, and-"

"No, please don't be sorry," I shushed him. "I'm sorry for being such an ass since we arrived here. And for spoiling your fun-"

"Your health is more important than my fun,"

Maylor One Shots Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant