Aw shit, here we go again

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Good lord I left this story to rot. Well I have so much free time these days maybe I can upload every few days, but we'll see. For now Imma just try to catch up on missed time. Enjoy!

Team RWBY collapsed in their dorm, exhausted from the night's perilous activities. At this point everyone's injuries had been healed thanks to their aura, but the same cannot be said for their mentality. More specifically Ruby's. However, none of them saw exactly what caused the screeching, only the terrified shriek of a certain ginger burglar. It didn't need to be said that Roman was most likely dead. Y/N's whereabouts were still unknown.

As the Weiss hopped into the bathroom to shower, Blake and Yang finally noticed the dreadful look in Ruby's eyes. Yang's sisterly instincts screamed for her to comfort her little sister, so she sat next to Ruby on her bed and put an arm around her shoulder. Before Yang could try to encourage her, Blake beat her to it.

"Ruby, what's wrong?"

Ruby perked up, but looked away just as fast, not saying a word. Yang sighed.

"Come on sis, we're worried about you. I mean, how would you feel if your leader who was always chipper suddenly became all gloomy?"

"But it wasn't sudden," Ruby whispered, meeting Yang's eyes.

"What do you mean?" Yang asked, now curious but still trying to be as warm as possible.

"I-I-I mean, you didn't see what I saw. When I went to go find Y/N, there was, a-a massacre," Ruby stopped to breathe for a moment, then continued. "Blood and guts everywhere, like a horror movie. But it was real, I could smell the blood from a distance away, and hear the flies collecting on the dead bodies. Both White Fang members and human policemen where dead all over, and...and...and-"

"Shhhhh, it's alright," Yang hummed into the horrified girl's ear as she began to tear up, pressing Ruby's face into her bosom. 

Meanwhile, Blake was deep in thought. It was anyone else she would've been shocked or horrified, yet the scene at the docks revealed Y/N's true nature. He was no stranger to killing, and brutally destroyed his enemies. Even if he left gore across the whole scene, without some form of recording the officials would have no way to pinpoint the crime to Y/N thanks to his semblance being officially unknown.

However, the odd thing was, Ruby said there was dead policemen. Wouldn't Y/N be on their side fighting the Fang? That aside, why and how did he find Blake and the others during their fight? Blake was sure the screeching she heard was Y/N. After all, his semblance made him a monster in terms of combat strength, durability, agility, and utility. Yet she wasn't so sure about the transformation part of it. Blake had seen Y/N vaporize during his first fight, presumably turning his body completely into water vapor, very similar to Ruby's semblance in terms of mobility. That said, he can definitely morph his body into a singular element. In order to become a literal monster, he would've had to completely rework his body's make up, which, by all means, should be impossible. 

As Blake's mind ran in circles, Weiss appeared from the bathroom and Ruby went in, her eyes puffy and red from crying. Weiss was surprised for a moment, then asked:

"What's with her?"


In VALE's dorm, Vila was starting to freak out when Y/N didn't come back at 9pm. Lydia was trying to calm her down, but a dozen unanswered calls put the poor faunus girl to her breaking point. Evelyn had left to go ask RWBY about his whereabouts, and to escape Vila.

"I swear to Oum, I am going to wring his dick like a towel, WHERE IS HE?!?!?" Vila roared.

"Vila please, don't say such vulgar things. If it means anything, Y/N is super strong. I doubt he's in any kind of danger of losing his life," Lydia huffed, fed up with her teammate's whining. "After the hassle you gave him last time, I'm sure he isn't staying out for the heck of it. All you have to do is be patient."

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