The shins will be kicked

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Yo I finally got to writing this. I'll get to integrating actual RWBY characters with the mc, but with his loathing of humans, the only options are female faunus for now. Blake is already in the harem, and I'll get to actually writing a lemon with her in due time. Human girls may or may not be added but I don't want a massive harem to manage, besides after 5 girls its a little much, but that's just me. For now I plan to have 5 girls in the harem, but that may change. Enjoy!

Y/N didn't even have time to be surprised as he got swallowed into Evelyn's den. A full blown mountain of blankets and a comforter that she laid in to keep warm during the night, which covered her entire bed and some area around it. How Lydia got up to her bed was beyond him. Y/N found himself encompassed by the mass of fabric, and felt something smooth and almost slimy brushing against him. Thanks to his faunus heritage, Y/N could see clearly, and was met with a half-naked Evelyn laying beside top, hugging his arm with her tail. 

She was facing away from him, and wore nothing but a bra. Y/N wasn't able to view any part of her genitals, but most of her ass was exposed to his eyes. Damn... was all he could think. Evelyn had a better ass than Y/N had expected, the plumpness and size that was hidden by her uniform skirt. Before he did anything rash, Y/N wanted to know why she brought him in here.

"Evelyn. Evelyn. Evelyn, answer me!" Y/N whisper-yelled. Groggily, the snake faunus rolled over, her tail unwinding from Y/N's arm. His eyes bulged out of he realized he was going to see her genitals, acting fast he turned his head away. 

"Why are you in here? The fuck do you want?" Evelyn lazily responded, opening one eye and her hair covered the rest of her face.

"Why am I in here? Why did you yank me in?" Y/N snarled back, still looking away yet blushing madly. "And why are you bottomless?"

"Eh?" Evelyn came to the realization that she was, in fact, wearing nothing to cover her bottom. Her face heated up as she quickly covered herself with her hands, squeaking in embarrassment. After a moment of awkward silence, Evelyn spoke again.

"D-did you see?"

Y/N weighed his options. Tell her he only saw her ass, truthfully, or say he saw nothing, but lie. He decided he was safer with the second one. "I- um, didn't see anything."

"Then how did you know I was naked?" Evelyn hissed. Her tail reached out to Y/N's head and ripped it towards her, forcing him to meet her gaze. Y/N was both attracted and scared by Evelyn's embarrassed, angry face. Her piercing yellow eyes glowed menacingly, daring him to lie again.

"I only saw part of your ass... nothing else, I swear!" Y/N said quietly, not trying to piss her off. Evelyn huffed, but seemed a little happier. Y/N got back to his original point. "Now, do explain why you dragged me into this cavern of blankets?"

"Oh, um..." Evelyn looked away, nervously scratching her chin with the tip of her tail. She shivered slightly, and moved a little closer to Y/N. "I'm cold."

Y/N raised an eyebrow, not buying it. "Bullshit. You're layered in fabric, shouldn't your body heat warm it up...?"

"Don't have natural body heat," Evelyn murmured sadly, hugging herself. By this point she was touching Y/N's arm, and he couldn't see anything naughty with her so close. "I have to integrate slight amounts of fire dust in clothes for the cold. Otherwise I get hypothermia. Props of being cold-blooded, I guess."

Y/N mentally kicked himself. He shouldn't have been so harsh to her, as a teammate and a fellow faunus he needed to empathize better. Carefully, he began to turn over, laying on his side to fully face the violet-haired beauty. This is going to end poorly... he thought as he slowly wrapped an arm around her. Evelyn simply laid there shivering, until she felt the warmth of Y/N's muscle-writ arm pulling her closer. They collectively blushed as Evelyn's giant bust was pressed against Y/N's pecs. 

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