Classes + super shotgun evolved

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Currently, Y/N was sitting in Professor Port's classroom besides Evelyn, Vila and Lydia currently in Professor Oobleck's class. The bell had just rung when Teams RWBY and JNPR busted through the door.

"Usually I would mark you 8 as tardy, but as it is the first day of class I will be lenient. Please do be on time tomorrow," Port said sternly, before going into his lecture. During the monologue, Y/N could see Ruby goofing off, but did nothing about it. Fuck around and find out, Y/N repeated his doctrine in his head. If one fucks the around, they will find the out. That actually sounds lewd. Refocusing his attention to Port, he listened as the professor began to list qualities of a huntsman as the moral of his story

"A true huntsman must be honorable."

Ruby miraculously balancing an apple on a book on the top of a pencil.

"A true huntsman must be dependable."

Ruby sleeping while sitting up.

"A true huntsman must be strategic, well-educated, and wise!"

Ruby picking her nose. Y/N cringed slightly. That was gross, no matter the circumstance, Evelyn followed his gaze and hummed in agreement, also noting how pissed Weiss was now, watching Ruby's display of not caring.

"So, who among you believes themselves to be the embodiment of these traits?" Port asked rheotorically, checking for a prideful response. He got one, but she was second.

"I do," Y/N said nonchalantly. He knew what to expect from this teacher, and that he would most likely fight a small Grimm is he claimed to be of such traits.

"I do, sir!" Weiss almost shouted, immediately after Y/N.

"Well then, let's find out. Y/N raised his hand first, so he may go first," Port explained, then waved at a cage. "Step forward, and face your opponent."

Y/N walked down to the level the cage was on, and cracked his knuckles. Port raised an eyebrow.

"Do you not want to change into your combat gear?" he asked.

"No need, this is child's play," Y/N replied solemnly, his expression now cold. 

"Alright, let the match," Port announced, readying his axe to free the beast inside the rather lagre cage. "Begin!"

A Boarbatusk, decorated in bone armor and red patterns, charged Y/N, who stood still. Once within reach, he snatched the tusks of the Grimm before they hit him, and stood his ground, killing any momentum the Boarbatusk had. In one fluid motion, Y/N yanked his right wrist down and to the left, and his left up and to the right, snapping the Boarbatusk's neck with a loud cracking noise.


The students gawked, jaws hitting the floor. Port was unfazed, he knew Y/N's father after all. However, even Wick would've needed some sort of weapon. Y/N's raw strength was incredible.

"Bravo! Bravo!" Port declared, swinging his right arm. "It appears we are indeed in the presence of a true huntsman in training. I'm afraid that's all the time we have for today. Be sure to cover the assigned readings, and stay vigilant. Class dismissed."

Y/N saw Weiss storm out of the room, obviously not happy. Ruby went after her, as Yang and Blake followed, a lot slower. Y/N walked out with Evelyn, as she was curious.

"So how did you do that?" Evelyn asked, "No ordinary student could have done that."

"I've spent every day of my life working my body since my parents... left. Once I discovered my semblance I could use it to maintain or even grow more muscle with minimal activity," Y/N revealed. Evelyn's eyes widened.

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