Chapter 46: Confrontations and Conflicts

Start from the beginning

"Chi-taki needs to be here to explain all," whispered Shark.

"You're right," replied Troy. "We have to call him before these two, start fighting."

Shark and Troy could see streams of lightning flicker off Arion while the flaming tips of Pyro's hair began to glow brighter than the disc of fire above their heads.

"What're you doing at Chi-taki's den?" demanded a furious Arion.

"I believe it's my place to ask such," replied Pyro, his brown eyes flaring red.

"Chi-taki's my friend and I don't need to defend myself to the likes of you," retorted Arion, his yellow eyes glaring like a tiger's.

"Chi-taki would never become friends with the likes of you. How dare you tarnish his name," shouted Pyro with anger.

The only father he had would never foster a friendship with someone who believed himself to be above their class.

Chi-taki would not keep it a secret from him but then again Chi-taki did kept the secret about the existence of Earth, the lost Kingdom of Man from him for 18 years. What other secrets was he keeping from him?

"That is enough!" interjected Valliantious with a loud roar of a lion, grasping everyone's immediate attention.

"I am sorry my Lord that you had to witness my disgraceful words and actions," apologised Pyro, clasping his hands together and bowing.

"Everyone, including the Hyods have such words and actions so do not dismiss them but channel them and use them to your advantage or else they will get the better of you," replied Valliantious with a smile.

Shark and Troy could have had a stroke when they saw who was heading towards them. Their eyes had to be liars or pulling a grand prank on them.

It was impossible for him to be standing in front of them. They took a second look. It was him. Never in their wildest dreams would they picture him as one of the great Hyods they have heard so much about.

"You," bellowed Shark, his index finger pointed up at the Wind Lord. "You are a Hyod and the, and the, wow."

"It, it, it cannot be," said a stuttering and surprised Troy.

He like Pyro and Shark was now star struck, for that was who a Hyod was. They were celebrities on Axial. No, more than celebrities, someone greater and of a higher power.

"Professor? Professor Valliant?" said Shark wanting more clarification to his assertion. "You are the noble lord Chi-taki spoke about? This is impossible. Our eyes are playing games on us. What're you doing here?"

Arion, now standing next to Lord Valliantious found the two strangers being disrespectful to the great Hyod of Wind.

"Do you know who you're speaking to? You are speaking to the eldest and strongest of the Hyods so show some respect."

"They were never one for that," replied a smiling Valliantious, catching Arion off guard.

Lord Valliantious walked ahead of a dazed Arion and Pyro, both surprised at his words. It sounded like the Wind Lord was familiar with the two.

The four had many questions to ask and were all about to when Valliantious interjected. "It is not safe for us to speak outside. Dark Warriors might be lurking, waiting for something to use as leverage."

They followed the exact path into the den where Chi-taki was ready with six drinks and bowls of what looked like grass and chopped up vegetables and fruits on fire. Could they eat fire? He was expecting Lord Valliantious and Arion. It was obvious to Pyro now.

Revelation Of The Chosen (Book 1 of The Radiant Warrior Series)Where stories live. Discover now