The Love Triangle

432 11 14

*The Next Day*

(5 days left to find the Mask)

Nina's POV

After my alarm clock woke me up, I got up and got dressed for school and headed into the dining area to see everyone else there....

"Oh Nina!" A voice said on my right

I turned my head to see Fabian, he walked over and sat in his usual seat next to me. I smiled at him and we started talking about the Mask, Rufus and Senkhara....

"What are we going to do? We only have 5 days left!" I exclaimed quietly

"I know....but that Senet board is going to be hard to get through, especially when nobody knows how to play it" Fabian said, I sighed

He grabbed my hand and smoothed his thumb over my knuckles

"Nina, I promise we'll get it" He sighed, looking straight at me

I nodded and smiled

"Oohhh, looks like Rutter and Martin are at it again" Jerome winked, looking at our hands

Fabian quickly let go and I put my hand on my lap and looked down so they wouldn't see me blush

"Aww you guys are so shy and cute about your relationship!" Amber exclaimed

"What are you all still doing here? Look at the time, you should be in school! Go!" Victor shouted

Everyone scrambled out if their seats and headed to school, I walked behind the girls while they talked about shopping and makeup (even Patricia!)

"Hey Nina....Wait up!" A voice said behind me

I turned around to see Fabian jogging up to me, I stopped and smiled at him

"Hi" I smiled

"Hey" he said breathlessly

We talked about the task and when we would check it out again-

"Hi Fabes"

No, absolutely not! She is not walking with us!

"Um...h-hi Joy" Fabian stuttered

She stood on his right but way to close to him! while I stood on his left

"So I was thinking we could squeeze another study session in before dinner, how about it?" She asked

My eyebrows raised and my mouth made an 'o' shape

"....Uh....I-I can't Joy....m-me and Nina are meant to study today....m-maybe next time?" Fabian stuttered

A smile rose to my lips as I looked down

Score 1: Nina

"Fine. I'll see you later Fabes!" Joy giggled

I looked up just as she kissed his cheek

Score 1: Joy

I rolled my eyes and looked away from Fabian, who was blushing and stuttering

"er....s-sorry about Joy....she just-" Fabian started

"-Yeah...Study Buddy, I get it" I finished quietly

"No Nina - you don't!" Fabian huffed

I frowned at him and he rubbed his neck then looked at me with those eyes

"She's just my study my best friend" He smiled, taking his hand in mine

I couldn't help it, I blushed and smiled

Authors Note


• Will Fabian and Nina find the Mask?

• Will Joy get in the way? (duh!)

• Will the rest of Sibuna find out about Rufus?

As always, leave your comments and if you liked it please give it a star, it really helps me out

Leave your suggestions too!

I'll see you guys soon x

Bye bye :)

- FanGurling4Life

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