The Mask Ball (LAST CHAPTER)

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No One's POV

"No?" Rufus said, eyebrows raised

"You heard me. No...y-your not getting that mask, or Nina" Fabian defended, standing in front - but not too close - to Rufus

"Well, I guess you want the hard way" Rufus shook his head

Fabian stepped back a little but as Sibuna (minus Nina) moved towards Fabian and Rufus

Rufus pulled out a small pocket knife and Fabian mentally panicked....

Fabian's POV

Rufus pulled out a knife and I saw everyone slightly panicking

What should I do?

I had to protect Sibuna and Nina!

Rufus lunged forward and dug the knife into my side. I groaned and fell to my knees, clutching my now bleeding side

"Now, I suggest you all move or the same will happen to you." Rufus said calmly

I squeezed my eyes shut and sucked in a shaky breathe and struggled to my feet.

"Y-your not....g-getting tha-at Mask, Rufus" I growled, struggling for air

"You just don't give up, do you boy? Well, I was playing nice....but now things get interesting- for me anyway" Rufus smirked with an evil look

Nina's POV

"You just don't give up, do you boy?! Well, I was playing nice....but now things get interesting- for me anyway" Rufus smirked evilly at Fabian

(A/N: Nina had moved forward during all of this, but she wasn't so close Rufus could get her...)

Rufus held the knife up high and before he brought it down to Fabian's stomach I ran forward and pushed everyone out of the way.

The knife dug into my stomach and I fell to floor. My hand was over the deep gash in seconds and my eyes filled with tears as Sibuna watched in shock

Amber and Alfie were leaning against the wall of the tunnel - Alfie protecting Amber from Rufus and Patricia was on her hands and knees not too far behind me. Fabian was on the opposite of Amber and Alfie, in a 'getting off my back' position. He shakily stood up and slowly made is way over to me

By now tears were staining my cheeks and my stomach blood socked my top.

"Where are you going Rutter?!" Rufus growled again before pushing him back to the floor

Fabian moaned in agony as he came in contact with the hard floor. His head hitting the floor with a thud

"Rufus! L-leave my friends's me you want....not-not them" I cried

Rufus glared is ice blue eyes at me and slowly made his way over to me. Once he was close enough, he grabbed my left arm and pulled me to my feet...

"Very well Chosen One" Rufus smirked

I turned my head away and closed my eyes, I didn't want to see my murderer before I died.

Rufus on the other hand...

"Look me in the eyes when I kill you!" He exclaimed

Where was Victor? Or anyone?!

I cranked my head up to Rufus as he give the little pocket knife a clean. I gulped as I saw mine and Fabian's blood come off the object

From the corner of my eye I saw Fabian trying to stand up. He struggled to his feet without making any noise (god knows how he did that!) and crept his way behind Rufus.

The Masquerade Ball.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora