Library Talks

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Nina's POV

*In The Tunnels, 1 Day Later*


Sibuna and myself all headed down back to the tunnels. Now that Fabian knows it's kind of like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders, but on the other hand I'm putting him in more danger....

(A/N: ok, so I'm going to skip them getting over the chasm and all the other tasks because there are SO many! Sibuna are playing the chess game)

"alright guys, I've been doing some research online about Senet.... a-and I've got nothing, it's like it doesn't exist!" Fabian said, frowning at the Anubis statues

"So there's nothing on the internet? Nothing?!" Amber exclaimed

"No....its like the internet has never heard of it...." Fabian answered

"Something that's not ok the that even possible?" Alfie asked

I huffed and started looking around the room (without stepping on the board)

"Fabian, what is that?" I asked, pointing at the Jackal Mark on one of the squares

"....It looks it's marked, it could be a trap door of some sort..." Fabian trailed off

I frowned and we took the tunnel back to the Library....

*At The Library*


Fabian's POV

After finding nothing in the Senet chamber we decided to head back to the Library and see if there was anything there that could help us....

_____Time Laps_____

(Sorry I'm just too lazy :/)


"There has to be something!" Nina exclaimed, slumping onto the floor by the Library door

"Let's just....come back tomorrow or something" Patricia huffed while yawning

"Yeah I'm tired, these late nights are really messing with my beauty sleep ya'know" Amber complained

Alfie, Patricia and Amber looked at me and I nodded. They left through the secret passageway and I sat next to Nina

I closed my eyes and leaned my head back against the yellow wall and listened to the slow breathing coming from myself and Nina

"...w-what if we don't get the Mask Fabian? w-what will Rufus do? I-I don't want to know what will happen to me...or you! Or anyone of you guys!" Nina cried

"It's ok Nina, we'll get it. Give it to Rufus and hopefully Senkhara will take it from Rufus...its a win win- well not for Rufus" I smiled tiredly while opening my eyes, looking over at Nina who smiled weakly

"....yeah, hopefully. That doesn't mean it will work" Nina argued with a smirk

I shrugged and Nina leaned her head on my shoulder....

Authors Note

I'm so sorry about my updating! I've been busy with tests, exams and homework *huffs*

I promise I'll try and do better :/

Also, I was thinking about writing a sequel to Our Love Will Survive because you guys want more ;)

tell me what you guys think?

Should I write one??

Love you guys x


- FanGurling4Life

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