The Phone Call

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My breathing hitched in my throat and I replied back to Rufus:

I'm trying my best. We're getting there, you'll have the mask in 2 weeks - Nina

"Nina, are you alright? You seem a bit....tense" Amber asked

"Huh? Oh yeah...I'm fine, just worried about the task" I shrugged

I climbed into bed and turned on my side, facing the wall.

I hate keeping secrets....


*The Next Day*

Fabian's POV

After I got up and got reddy for school I walked into the dining area to see everyone but Nina.

Probably getting ready....

I sat down in my usual seat and grabbed some pancakes and a glass or orange juice

"Hey Ambs, where's Nina?" I asked, looking up at the blonde

"She's still in our room....she kicked me out when her phone rang" Amber answered a bit offended

"That's not like Nina" I mumbled to myself

"I know right!" Amber exclaimed

I rolled my eyes at her and pushed myself out of my chair and walked up the stairs to Nina and Ambers room.

"Ni-" I started, about to knock ok the door when I heard her on the phone....

(Nina's Phone Call)

No....nobody knows - but why? N-no I will - fine! Goodbye...

Nobody knows what?

I frowned to myself and knocked ok the door and waited for an answer

"Come in!"

I opened the door and saw Nina standing by her wardrobe grabbing her school bag

"Hey" she breathed with a smile

"Hi. You missed breakfast so I wanted to see if you were ok" I smiled back

"Yeah I-I'm fine..." Nina nodded

I nodded and she left to brush her teeth leaving me alone in her room....

With her phone.

Authors Note

Ooohhhh Fabian is alone in Nina's room WITH HER PHONE!

• is he going to snoop?

• is he going to be a good friend and leave it?

Sorry it's a short chapter... Leave your comments and suggestions in the box thing

I'll update soon!


- Kirstyn x

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