She's Back!

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*Back At Anubis House*


Fabian's POV

I faked ill so I could stay home and try find out what happened to Nina....

Her Gran could have taken her sight seeing....

Victor could have captured her.....

She could be in a different country by now! Victor and his society could have captured her. She is the Chosen One....

The front door opening snapped my out of my thoughts.

It could be Nina....

I jumped up off my bed and peeked my head out my bedroom door....

Nina stood by the door, her dress was all muddy and little red patches were on the ends of her dress.

"Nina?" I asked

I walked out if my room and down the boys corridor so I could see Nina better

She looked startled to see me but sighed and hugged me, her arms around my neck

"What are you doing here? You-you should be in school" Nina whispered, while we were still hugging

"I was worried. You didn't come home yesterday and I thought you had gone into the tunnels....I-I thought you were down the chasm...." I whispered back, my voice cracking when I went on about the chasm

"I'm fine....I promise" she whispered into my ear

We pulled apart and I looked at her right arm....there was blood dripping down and I could see a faint line, as if she'd been cut with a knife....

Nina court me looking at her arm and put her hand over it. I gave her a worried look but she looked fine....that was what mattered.....

"I'm going to head up to my room....I need to get out of this dress" Nina smiled

I smiled back and she headed up the stairs. Leaving me with my thoughts....

Authors Note

Fabians noticed the blood.....

• What do you think he's thinking?

• Will Nina come clean?

• What will Rufus have her do if the gang finds out?

Love you guys x


- Kirstyn

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