Chapter 14- The First Strange Night

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    "Shh! We can't afford to wake him up!"

"Everybody, focus!"

"Do we really have to do this?!"

"Yeah, we have to know the person we've let into our home!"

"Keep your voices down guys. I gave him one of the hints in the book".

"Alright, that's rule number what?"

"Monica, bring out the rule book".

"Oh here it is, rule number four, 'To find the key, you must first unlock the door, find two keys and begin your journey'".

"Oh no you guys, go easy on him, he seems like a nice guy!".

"That's not important for now, let's get on with it, shall we?"

"Ok so, what's quest number 4?"

"Sleep walking!"

Uncle Millie rubbed his palms against each other with excitement and brought out a large candle. William sprayed some paprica on the lit candle and everyone present, smiled mischievously.

"Seven candles, for seven nights!"

"Hahaha, let the show begin!"

A party of seven tiptoed on to the guest section. The unknown candle was placed on the ground in front of Joe's room. It's scent and smoke would sneak in through the door and fill the sleeping man's bedroom. The deed was done and they all stole away to bed.

A few minutes later, Joe was suddenly awakened by a weeping voice.

"Who's there?" He could hear the creature sobbing. "Am I dreaming?" He whispered.

"Flee from this place Dr Joe, they are coming", the creature sadly said and sobbed on.

"Who? Who's coming?"

There came no reply, the creature only sobbed. Then the room was silent again. Joe shook his head, "I must be going insane!" He returned to bed.

Few minutes deep into another quick sleep, he was awoken once more. The bed shook, it seemed there was an earthquake, he could see the walls cracking on all sides. The ground continued to shake with great anger, he looked out the window to confirm what was happening, but he began seeing people screaming and running outside. His instincts controlled him to the door, he had to save himself too, but the door proved stubborn to his push and pull. A memory seized him, he could remember the misty voice of Viola, he recalled the words clearly. But how could he unlock a door without a key? The Doctor had seen nothing like this before, he was greatly disturbed.

Immediately, he began the search for the key, picking through every crook and corner of the room, he found nothing!

His eyes opened up to the wonder he saw in his room-- men and women in white form, screaming and running past him and some, through him.

"I've surely gone crazy!" He screamed and shivered within him. "Ghosts!" He moved quickly to the large window to confirm if he could jump or climb down, the distance was quite high up, how could he climb down? What would he use?

He could feel a sneeze in his nose, and a cough in his throat; they let themselves out, but his coughing wouldn't stop, soon he began to bleed from his nose he coughed again and strangely, his palms held a red liquid and a key came out with it!

"Oh my God! What on earth-- ?"

At once, he stabbed the key into the key lock on the door, but the door still won't unlock. Taking out the key, he struck it against the wall in anger, it was only then the door unlocked itself.

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