Chapter 13- The Johnsons

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     It was seven in the evening already and every family member of the Johnson's had found their way back to the dark home.

"Thanks for that awesome meal, that's the best thing I've had in years!" Joe had just hungrily emptied a plate of hot spaghetti and a couple of meatballs.

"I'm glad you love my cooking" Viola blushed.

The kids began to giggle, "Aunt V likes Joe o, Aunt V likes Joe o" they teased them and fled the room still giggling.

"Don't pay attention to them, they're kids" A shy Viola put in.

"Uh huh, yeah I guess so", Joe nodded.

"So! Why don't I show you to your room?" Viola snapped, trying to ease the atmosphere.

"Yeah, okay!"

The Johnsons had spent a whole lot of money and time building the mighty house. Their's were the largest on the street, it was always dark on the inside, just like the other houses on the cobbled street. The houses on Mermaid street were closely lined up, the shades from each house shadowed the windows. But there was something different about the 1st Johnson house, to the neighbours it was a mystery. The curious neighbours who had nothing else to spend time on would peep into the house from the outside, just to know what went on in there, but they could see nothing but the drapes behind the windows. It did not make sense to them why the house was so dark; darker than the others, they also wondered why they could never pay a visit to the family. People were never allowed into the house even when Old Mr Johnson was alive.

William .A. Johnson family were not the only ones with that name on the street, but they were the first on the street. They were also a constant topic on the gossip forum. Some, were scared of the persons who lived in the strange house, while others were scared of the house. No one dared to play tricks on the house, or to even imagine it, some claimed that they heard strange sounds every night. The only persons allowed in the house were closest of friends.

The Johnsons made no trouble and they got no trouble. They were respectfully feared. They made good friends, but those friends were never let in on the family's secrets. If there was one thing the Johnsons were really good at, it was lying. Curious questions from neighbours, friends and the police were always well answered to the point that such questions were never asked again, there was always some kind of trustworthy proof. If someone asked for the reason of the dark house, they'd say it's because of the large drapes, or maybe someone pressed on with questions like, why don't you put on the lights? They'd reply that they're old schooled, and they preferred candles.

William had to deal with business out of town, Amelia was a wonderful lawyer. Olivia's restaurant flourished and blossomed like spring time, they were all living the dream!

Dr Joe found the house tour a little strange but also exciting and instructive.

"This is one large house! Who designed this?!"

"Well, I really don't know but this mansion has been in the family for a long time. They wanted something complex and challenging!"

"Yeah, but why all the secrets? I mean, you showed me a few rooms I wasn't allowed to go in".

"There are always reasons for secrets. The reason for the secret is the key to the door of the secret", Viola replied him with her back leaning against the wall. Joe shrugged and nodded.

"I love the design, it's so— old-fashioned".

"Sure! Dr Joe, I'll show you to your room now. You must be tired, shall we?"

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