chapter eight - aboard the acheron

Start from the beginning

The chance to become great being robbed from you because of banishment. That certainly sounded familiar.

"Sure, Gifts can cause pain and suffering. I mean, just take a look at my sister. But if I learned one thing from her before she went away, it's that they're also capable of helping others. That's what she always wanted me to do. I just hope that if- when she wakes up, I'll have done enough to make her proud," Jalen said. "That's why I'm here helping Vaessen - helping you - find all these Gifteds. I want to help people. I want to do the right thing."

Lucas thought about what Jalen had to say. "You know, while you be clueless and annoying, you're actually not that bad of a guy, Jalen."

"Thank... you?"

The door swung open and a pair of black boots belonging to a petite but imposing young woman began to descend the wooden stairs. A long, black coat brushed against her shins with each step. She wore a leather vest underneath and had a sheathed sword attached to her waist. Her hair of the same shade as her attire and her playful eyes bounced on her shoulders. She had a devious smirk spread across her tanned face, sending a chill down Lucas' spine. Still, he couldn't help but to feel as if there was something more behind those enticing eyes. Perhaps there's a trustworthy ally. Maybe there's an immoral monster. Lucas wouldn't be able to know unless he tried to chip away at her roguish exterior.

"My, my. What do we have here?" she jeered as she sauntered over to Jalen. She ran her finger down his cheek before breathing out, "No. This one seems stupid."

"As if I care about what a brute such as you has to say about me," Jalen spat venomously. It threw Lucas off a bit. In the time that he's known Jalen, though it really hasn't been that long, his tone had always been amiable and a little naive. However, in this case, it was understandable. Most people probably wouldn't be acting compassionately to someone who likely harmed someone they cared for either. 

"Tsk, tsk, tsk. This one's so naughty."

Interestingly enough, Jalen's weight and placement on Lucas' body shifted. Almost as if...

He'd shrunk.

"Did you just-"

"Hush...," the black-clad woman cooed as she made her way over to Lucas. She crouched down and lifted his chin up with her finger. "Now this one..."

"Sophia," came a stern voice from the doorway. "Quit messing around with the prisoners."

At the doorway stood another woman of a similar stature. She also wore a vest, but it was black and covering a plain, white t-shirt that contrasted her rich umber skin. A jet black cape was wrapped around her shoulders and nearly touched the floor. Her hair was parted into numerous braids and started as black at the scalp but faded into a sea-foam green at the tips. She wore an eye-patch over her right eye, and the one you could see glared harshly into Lucas' soul.

"MJ~! You never let me have any fun." Sophia pouted and backed away from the prisoners.

MJ walked down the steps and stood by Sophia's side. "So these are the ruffians that shape freak and drunkard have added onto their pathetic crew," MJ said coolly. "They must be really desperate if they've enlisted scrawny and clueless lowlifes such as you."

"Ha! Vile woman, your last mistake will be underestimating Lucas and his scrawniness!" Jalen taunted.

Lucas bonked the back of Jalen's head to tell him to shut up. Sophia snapped her fingers, and Lucas felt Jalen shrink even more.

"Can you stop doing that?"

"No one speaks to the captain that way," Sophia growled. "Especially you. You're worthless scum who doesn't even deserve to be the dirt underneath her boots."

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