Unforgettable prom

420 11 25

Elsa's POV

This prom shit is overrated. For no fcuking reason. I hate everything and everyone! Huh? Why?

Well, I hated prom since before. But a cute guy from my class asked me to be his date, after I told that I was going to prom.

And then, guess what when I entered the hall, I saw him making out with someone else, great! Right?

And guess what's another problem, he was my ride back home and now, I don't know what to do to go back home.

I am at the food corner, drinking my soda. Just then I heard a familiar voice. "Elsa? Ah you decided to come!"

I knew who it was. So I turned around happily. "Jack!" I said and he sat on the seat beside me.

"I thought you wouldn't come!" He told me. "Yeah that's what I was planning but I decided to come and I literally announced it yesterday in the class. But you weren't there." I said to him.

"Oh." He said. "Who did you come with?" I asked him. "Hiccup." He said to me. "Then why aren't you with him?" I took a sip of my soda.

"He has a date, unlike me!" He flashed a bitter smile. I slowly nodded my head. "You look stunning by the way!" He said to me.

"Huh? What's the use?" I rolled my eyes. "What do you mean? You don't have a date?" He asked it as if he was happy about it.

"I did, but as soon as I arrived here, I saw him making out with someone else. He hasn't even noticed me till now!" I look at my ex-date.

"And you're upset about it?" Jack asked. "Ofcourse! I am!" I said. "Hmm.. by the way where did you get that drink from?" Why is he so random?!

"From the cooler over there." I gestured at the cooler. Without saying anything he took a drink from there.

And then, went to my ex-date and poured it on him. He got angry and was about to start a fight with Jack along with his minions.

But Jack suddenly started running to me, grabbed my hand and dragged me out of there. Those guys were still chasing us.

Okay, this is fun. He then entered a building and guided me to the rooftop. We take a look behind us. No one was chasing us or was near the building.

We finally catch our breath and collapse on a nearby bench. "I can't believe you said yes to that jerk!" Jack laughed.

"I technically didn't. He just came to me and was like 'You.me.prom.' and then texted me the details." I shrugged.

"What's his name?" He suddenly asked. Wait- what's his name?! "I don't know?" I flashed a nervous smile.

I thought Jack would scold me but he just laughed. "I seriously can't believe you, Elsa!" He laughed.

"Why did you change your decision and decided to come?" He rested his face on his palms and looked at me.

"Well, my parents were like 'this is an important moment in your life, you shouldn't miss out on this experience and what if something magical happens to you?!'" I told him.

"Something magical? Like you suddenly fall in love?" He asked me. I nodded. He chuckled once again.

"I feel like I'm dragged out of my comfort zone." I sighed. "Then you shouldn't have come, it's your decision after all." He said.

"I mean, I also heard you were gonna come too, so I thought I'll have someone to talk to.." I admitted.

It made Jack blush, I guess. "So I'm the reason you decided to come?" He wasn't looking at me anymore.

"I mean you didn't ask me out, so I guess it'll be nice just to see you." I said and it made him look at me.

He seemed hesitant. Wait- what did I say?! Why did I say?! I don't think I have control over my mouth anymore.

He rubbed the back of his neck. "I did wanted to ask you but I was scared." He said.

"Of what?" I asked him. "Of loosing my bestfriend." He sighed. Hmm? What does that mean. I went silent for a bit.

He seemed to suddenly freak out. "Of not asking you for date?" He asked. I nodded and laughed reassuringly.

"Haha yes,oh, sorry, by the way, for ruining your night. You should've been enjoying there but now you're here with me, I don't know why did I even did that, I think I went crazy for a bit and-" He seemed like he was rapping.

"Stop stop! I liked it that you did it to him! He deserved it and I need to hang out with you, dude!" I smiled.

"Yeah, well, you know, it's not that late so..." Jack suddenly got up and a slow pop song and put the phone on the bench.

He put forward his hand. "Will you go to the prom with me?" He asked. I giggled. "That's so cheesy!" But then took his hand.

"Just dance with me, Els." And then, we did. It was magical like some Disney movie. I felt happy.

It was just him and me and a prom to remember.

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