Chapter 1

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The majority of people hate rain, its noise, its odor; sees only the impediment it represents, the one that keeps the kids from coming out to play in the meadows and adults to find each other; the drops that flow slowly along my window show me that there is nothing more false, for me they are something more. For me represent the flow of time, I close my eyes and show me, with their noise silence, my life and my dreams that growing up die every day. When one becomes an adult it is difficult to believe in childhood dreams and to give birth to others. The children of my age wanna grow up, but I don't; because it would have meant the end of my dreams, it is not easy to emerge and shine, especially if you feel inside something special but that you cannot bring out. I don't know what to do with my life, everyone expects a lot from me but what if you don't have clear ideas? What if you still want to dream for a while longer? I wonder while I hear the rain beating, when I hear my name being called; I opened my eyes and returned to the sad reality. I went down the stairs and saw my sister setting the table:

"Selene, we won't be offended if you give us a hand!" My mother scolded me.

Marika placed the cutlery with a smirk on her face, I looked down embarrassed. She is older than me and more self-confident, everyone admires her, everyone respects her, everyone is at her feet and I am the youngest sister, perhaps even more unlucky. I am in the third year of high school, I have few friends, very few compared to Marika, who knows half of the people of the town and of the neighboring ones. We don't talk to each other much, in fact she avoids me most of the time and she didn't tell anyone at school that she was my sister. She is fifth and well, studying is the last of her thoughts. Sometimes I envy her. She gets it all so easily: friends, kids, even things from my parents, sometimes I feel so wrong. In middle school was ugly and most of my classmates didn't talk to me, ignored me or made fun of me; she, of course, was the most loved and was full of friends.I shook my head and dispersed those thoughts. I took some plates and began to place them on the table. At one point my father came in and greeted us. Dinner was very fleeting and I immediately went to bed.

In the middle of the night I woke up with a start with a great breathlessness, as if I had been running for miles. I had a nightmare. I don't remember much of what I dreamed, I just know that as soon as I opened my eyes I felt dry lips and a strange sensation in my throat, a kind of burning. I got out of bed to go to the bathroom when I heard a noise. I winced. It stops me. I tried not to breathe. My whole body was in tension, suddenly I felt a breath coming near the window. At that point I felt a shiver behind my back. I felt a warm breath on my neck. At that point my heart skipped a beat. Suddenly I clicked near the switch and turned on the light. Nothing. There was nothing, no one. I tried to calm down, went to the bathroom and washed my face. Back in the room I kept the light on. There was something or rather, someone before, I was sure but who? I checked the windows. Closed.

I tried to go back to sleep but couldn't. I had too many thoughts in my head. After a while I closed my eyes I saw a boy fall. I didn't understand who he was or what it meant. The only thing I knew was that I would not be able to sleep a wink and so it was. Every now and then I opened my eyes to see if there was anyone in the room. Nothing.

The next morning I went to school more sleepy than usual and met my friends. Marcus and Rebecca were waiting for me in front of the main gate: "hey well arrived sleeper." Marcus said, leaning towards me.

"Surely she is frightened by the Latin question" insisted Rebecca.

"It's not true! Besides, I'm doing better than you. You should be the one worried. "

"Nah! I honestly don't really care how it goes. After all, for the time being, I won't have to have any conversations with Caesar or Catullus."

We all burst into thunderous laughter. Marcus gave me a push and I went on a guy. When I realized who it was I was left with my mouth open, no muscle in my body could move, I began to sweat cold, my eyes wide open staring at him. My mouth opened but I couldn't utter a word, I was just stunned against his chest, white like a corpse. I fell into a kind of trance as my friends looked at me in shock. Then there was him, who looked at me with a cold look, a mixture of anger, repulsion, disgust, perhaps even boredom. Certainly the color of her eyes did not convey any sensation of warmth, that ice white color, similar to the icebergs of the Pole, were only terrifying but at the same time they were so hypnotic that I was fascinated when she crossed them.

"Hey princess be careful!"

I was thus brought back to reality. I shook my head and in that moment I felt my face burn. I started to move but something pulled me back to his jacket making me scream: my hair was tangled in something. That boy remained impassive, with his hands in his pockets he rolled his eyes and pushed me away bored. The other boys followed him and burst out laughing, meanwhile giggling and muttering:


"But why don't you look where it goes"

"But she is blind"

But a comment I heard clearly petrified me.

"She's just a poor stupid nerd trying to show off, obviously she does what she can."

The words hit me like an arrow in the chest, not so much for the words themselves but for the person who had spoken them. At first I didn't believe it was her, I didn't think she would go that far, I didn't think she was so mean to me, but yes, it was her, my sister Marika, the one who should watch over me and protect me, don't humiliate me and make fun of me .

"Hey are you alright?" Rebecca asked me worried.

"Yes, shall we go to class?" I managed to murmur in a faint voice.

In class, I thought about my sister's words. She had been so cruel to me. What was it for? My bad mood must have been really evident as my classmate Natasha showed up.

"Hey Sele, I know what happened this morning ..."

My eyes widened. She was not in front of the gate.

"What? How do you know?"

"Well I'm sorry to tell you but the whole school knows." He said touching his neck, as if it were obvious. Come to think of it ... in our school the rumors run very quickly.

I snorted, rolling my eyes and resting my head on the counter.

"I became the laughing stock of the whole school."

"Come on don't do that! It's not the end of the world!"

"It's not the end of the world?" I repeated raising my head "I fell on top of a fifth grade boy and everyone teases me and this thing will go on for weeks, I have the Latin question and as if that weren't enough they scalped me." I blurted out, falling back with my head on the cold counter.

"It could have been worse! You fell on Ares. "

"Really? Worse I could have fallen on Justin Bieber. "

We were picked up by our professor and my partner then fell silent. I could not help thinking about the fool this morning and every time I turned red. I thought of the boy who looked at me bored and at the same time irritated and all the boys who laughed. My head was elsewhere, I thought about what had happened all day. When I went down with my friends to go to the school bar to get a snack, everyone looked at me and laughed. I walked alongside my companions with my head down, red in the face. They noticed it and tried to cheer me up. I put a fake smile on my face; we passed by the tub where some boys were setting up a kind of scenography and a boy on a ladder was setting up a subspecies of curtain. I turned around and suddenly I saw my sister and her little group. She obviously didn't deign to look at me but my attention was drawn to a blonde girl with straight hair that fell over her shoulders, she had piercing blue eyes and was talking to Ares. At one point he looked in my direction and I whirled around. He was very charming, I was not surprised that all the girls in school followed him. Suddenly I heard a cry. I saw the boy on the ladder who was falling. Everyone fixed their eyes on the poor victim who would soon fall to the ground. But just at the crucial moment a very strange thing happened. The fall was slowed down by something. While the boy lay dazed on the ground all those present went around him, even my friends. A general murmur arose as the shocked and somewhat frightened boy tried to reassure students and teachers about his condition. I remained still, observing the scene, motionless, partly because I didn't like that boy very much and partly because I noticed that all Marika's group had approached, except Ares and the girl who was talking to him. I thought back to my dream this morning. It was not strange for me to have premonitory dreams, it happened often and by now I was used to it. My fullest attention fell on that girl who when she turned around, I noticed something that made me shiver. His eyes were purple. Yes, really purple. Not a blue with purple undertones, a beautiful bright purple. As soon as she realized I was staring at her she looked away and turned the boy in front of her. I don't understand what happened, but I was sure of one thing, that girl had something to do with the boy's "miraculous" fall.

- Author note:
I'm not English, I tried my best! <3

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