Jaya Island with Ace

Start from the beginning

He slithered his hands into hers and looked at her. Irin looked at Ace initially in slight shock but then smiled and leaned towards him. "I'm hungry," the pink haired girl said while looking forward, "I know," the freckled boy grinned. The two headed towards a bar, sat down and ordered some food.

"I wonder if they sell ghost pepper aglio olio here," Ace thought out loud.

"I'm sure they do...." Irin replied mindlessly as she scanned the bar's menu for plain white rice.

"They don't..." Ace sighed, exasperated. He laid on the bar counter sadly as he ordered a sandwich and waited for Irin to order. "They do!" the pinkette exclaimed, she then raised her arm to order, "One bowl of plain white rice and four large plates of meat please, thank you!" she said, smiling and swinging her legs back and forth like a child.

"Of course, they have rice, that's such a lame and boring dish," Ace stuck his bottom lip out, jealous that Irin got to have her favourite dish when he couldn't, "Nobody asked you to have such an exotic favourite dish, Ace. That's what you get," Irin taunted while looking down at the miserable Ace who had his body thrown over the bar counter. He shot back up and looked at the pinkette with his brows furrowed, "Y'know, you can be such a piece of shit sometimes, Irin," he said, "I know," Irin smiled, mockingly.

"Oh yeah! Guess who I saw in Alabasta!" Ace exclaimed, excitedly, "Hm? Who?" Irin questioned, tilting her head sideways. "I found Luffy, can you imagine? I saw Luffy!" He said happily, "Luffy? You saw Luffy?! How is he?" Irin asked, equally excited as Ace.

"He's doing great and he has a good crew too."

"I'm surprised you didn't ask him to join Pops."

"I did but he rejected me."

"Hahaha! That definitely sounds like Luffy!"


At that moment, a pirate sat down beside the pink haired off duty Vice Admiral and ordered a cup of beer. 


Irin was busy talking to Ace about her work and did not realise that the free seat next to her had been occupied. The sandwich that the freckled man had ordered had arrived and he occupied himself with it while listening to Irin. Well, he tried to eat while he listened to her but he ended up falling asleep. "So I caught-"

"Tsk, he fell asleep again,oh well!" Irin said, initially with a tint of annoyance but then shifted into a bubbly tone, as she continued waiting for her food to arrive.


"Hey pretty lady, wanna grab some drinks with me?" the pirate beside her asked, leaning closer towards the pink haired beauty. Irin turned towards the pirate next to her and smiled, "Wow, that's nice of you, thanks!"

The pirate was slightly shocked by her reply, this was not the response he was expecting, especially from such an intimidatingly beautiful girl. He then concluded that Irin was a slut and swung his arm over the girl, "Didn't take you for that type of a girl but in that case... we can do so much more than just grabbing drinks..." the pirate whispered into her ear. "Hm? You're a really nice person, sir. Of course we can hang out someday!" Irin said as she smiled at the pirate. Though she was a rather smart person in general, she was horrible at noticing ill-intents towards herself. So despite being able to decipher wrongful acts done to other people very well, she could never tell when people were taking advantage of her. In other word, she was too dense for her own good.

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