Chapter 1 : First Impressions

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Taihou : Shikikan!

(Y/N) : Woah!

Taihou suddenly pounced on you as she smothered your face in her BOOBA of hers.

Taihou : Oh shikikan how i've missed your gentle and loving touch!

She pats your head while still smothering you in between her BOOBA then Bremerton suddenly pulls you out of Taihou

Bremerton : Taihou can you please give him room? Just look at him.

Bremerton : Taihou can you please give him room? Just look at him

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

(Y/N) : I saw the light coming towards me.

Taihou : Oh no! Shikikan, i didn't hurt you did i?

(Y/N) : You suffocated me in between your boobs so. I guess it's not hurting me if i liked it.

Bremerton : Wh-wha?! You liked it?!

(Y/N) : Sometimes my pleasure is beyond your understanding Bremerton. And now lemme ask you a question. Are you two actually real?

Taihou : Of course Shikikan, why wouldn't we be real?

Bremerton : Yeah, I even have the promise ring that you gave to the both of us.

(Y/N) : Huh. So you two are my ships afterall. Huh, never thought i'd have old ass ships as my companions.

Bremerton : Huh? What do you mean old?

(Y/N) : lemme google it real quick.

Taihou : Google? *Tilts her head*

(Y/N) : Aha! Here it is. You were commisioned in 1944 and stricken in 1973 and your fate was to be sold for scrap. Yikes. And Taihou, you were  commisioned also in 1944 but you were strucked down early and sunked also in 1944.

Bremerton : W-what?

Taihou : S-so that means we're both actually dead?

(Y/N) : Yeah.


Bremerton : Commander! Look what you've done! You made Taihou cry.

(Y/N) : Hey i'm sorry alright! I'm just spitting facts, and look Taihou. I'm just stating that it's just what happened. Besides, the past is the past and now you got me!

Taihou : *sniff* *sniff* I guess you're right.

(Y/N) : See Bremerton. I know what i'm doing.

Bremerton : *sigh* 'Commander really is a bit different here'


A sudden knock interrupts the 3 of you as both Bremerton and Taihou readied up their rigging to blast the fuck out of someone.

(Y/N) : Woah woah woah! Chill girls chill! Let me handle this. Oh girls don't forget to hide, they might think i'm a bit sus so go!

They hid around the house as you got ready for what's to come by the door.


Policemen : Kid,have you seen this box?

(Y/N) : Uh no sir i have not seen a box anywhere before. And i just came back home.

Policemen : Hmm. Are you sure you're just trying to LIE to us?

(Y/N) : What? No, of course not! Why would i do that to my fellow policemen?

Policemen : Well kid here's the thing. That box contains a phone. A phone that can make a war or end a war. And it is a valueable piece in our Government and we swore to protect it. If someone in the wrong hands gets it there can be war or even worse... The annihilation of mankind.

(Y/N) : ....

Policemen : It seems that you're not lying kid. Thank you for cooperating with us and not resisting. Have a safe day!


The door closes as you sweated balls and dropped down near the door with a face like this.

The door closes as you sweated balls and dropped down near the door with a face like this

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

(Y/N) : What have my stupid ass done...

Bremerton and Taihou got out of their hiding spot as they saw you in distress.

Bremerton : Commander are you ok?

(Y/N) : Do i look like i'm ok!

Taihou : Calm down Shikikan, if anything happens we'll protect you. 'AND KILL FOR YOU'

(Y/N) : *Sigh* Well, it is what it is i guess. Say, are ya'll sleepy? Cause i'am.

Bremerton : Hmm,can't say we are. But if Commander is sleepy, then we'll also rest.

(Y/N) : alright then i'll just nap on the couch.

Taihou : How about Shikikan sleeps on the couch while you're head is resting on my thighs?

(Y/N) : Can't say i don't like that recommendation so why the hell not?

Taihou sits on the couch as she pats her thighs to  let you know that those THIGHS of hers are heavenly pillows for your head.

You rested your head and closed your eyes. Aaand you also snored.

You think. Where the fuck is the phone? It's till on the ground because you haven't picked it up.Bremerton took notice of the phone as she's the one who picked it up. Curious she decided to try and open it. But nah she just gets zapped and dropped the phone.

Bremerton : Ouch! 'Hmm, Commander needs to explain about that device after he wakes up'


(An : Hey lookie here another chapter very nice. And hope ya'll like it. And that's all i had to say rn :v)

Wait what? I have a harem of gacha girls?! (On Hold, Srry Lads)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin