-Charlotte Chantey x

Start from the beginning

"You know that won't be enough." He instantly wrapped his hand round the side of your neck and pulled you closer to his face, starting a very intensive and passionate kiss. Once he pulled away you traced your finger across your bottom lip, biting it very gently. 

"Bye Fred." You quietly said walking out with Charlie following.

"I don't think I'm hungry anymore." Charlie looked disgusted.

"I would say I-"

"Please don't finish that." He warned. You began to laugh, linking arms with Charlie as he took you to one of the open pubs on the alley.

He directed you to a table away from the other witches and wizards that were there. The waiter came over and took your drink orders.

"So y/n, things going well still with our little Fred." He asked, leaning back on the chair.

"Things are fine, they're the best they've ever been id say." You replied.

"I'm glad, I still remember when you two weren't on talking terms. You never fully told me why that was." He seemed curious.

"I'm not sure i should Charlie."

"Oh come on, you've lived past it now what's the harm in me knowing?"

"Okay. Well basically before Fred and I were like officially anything there was this party. Fred and I had only been like fooling around and stuff and this other guy liked me too. Long story short my supposed best friend told Fred I agreed to go on a date with him, getting Fred all angry, and she swooped in and tried calming him down through sex. I realised I liked Fred a lot more than I had thought so I went to go find him but instead I found him with the girl grinding on his lap and stuff kissing about to fuck and so I felt betrayed some would maybe say heartbroken and I couldn't forgive him or her for it." You exclaimed fairly quickly trying to get through it all without much thought.

"And you forgave him why?" He seemed a bit shocked and confused.

"Because I didn't know the truth for one and you know the boy who died at the tournament? He would always tell me to talk to him and find out why it happened, so I did. For him." You took a sip of your drink.

"Big fuck you to your friend though, what was her name?" He questioned.

"Charlotte." You said.

"Charlotte? What's her last name?" He asked again.

"Chantey." You now felt highly confused.

"Where have I seen that name before?" He asked himself, "oh yeah, the letters."

"Letters? What letters?"

"A couple of letters came through to the flat not too long ago with a return address of her name." He raised his eyebrows and sat up after realising what he told you.

"No it's fine. I trust him. Let's just ignore that for now and just drink our drinks." You said, trying to stay calm. What does she still want with Fred, and what does Fred want with her? He knows how much I fucking hate her.

You engaged in the conversations but zoned out occasionally, with your leg bouncing under the table.

"Y/n please calm down I can hear your shoe hitting the floor everytime your leg bounces." Charlie said do you.

"Charlie I'm trying, but I hate that girl now. She's so two faced and sneaky. And I don't know why Fred hasn't told me about it at least." You felt outraged.

"Come on let's talk about something else." He begged.

"Okay what do you want to talk about, the fact that I was kidnapped and abused by my own dad, the fact that the two year date of one of my best friends death anniversary is upcoming or maybe that a war is inching closer by the day and Dumbledore being the great man he is wants me to risk my life saving the wizarding world. Now I'm sorry Charlie but I'm paranoid and I can't sit here with a drink in my hand until I know what she wants with my boyfriend." You stood up and left the pub on your own. You felt bad for how you lashed out a bit at Charlie but you knew of all people he would forgive and understand.

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