Chapter 3 - The Mitchells and Mark

Start from the beginning

While the two brothers were having their discussion about threats and how it was okay to over exaggerate, (Y/n) took the chance to run super fast, clutching PAL to her chest.

"Keep running! They're chasing us!" PAL cried.

(Y/n) looked over her shoulder to see the two robots flying at them, gaining speed by the second.


(Y/n) kept running to the point in which she was running so fast she tripped over her own feet, falling onto the ground.

"GRAB ME, QUICK!" PAL cried as she landed on the ground.

(Y/n) quick reached out and grabbed her, holding PAL to her chest again.

"Please don't take her!" (Y/n) begged.

Eric and DeborahBot landed in front of her and right as they were about to say something, a door flung open and out ran a woman in a purple shirt with some pink hearts on it. The woman had tan skin and short hair and huge purple glasses.

"Eric, DeborahBot! What are you doing?!"

"Mother, this is the person we were telling you about. She's the one who has PAL." Eric informed her.


The woman ran over to them and looked down at (Y/n).
"Is it true? You have PAL?"

"B-But she won't hurt anyone anymore! I-I promise!"

"So she's alive?! I thought they meant that you had her but she was dead!"

"I-I mean.. uh.. yeah! Er.. she is dead! I just uhm.. yyyyyyeah.." (Y/n) lied awkwardly.

All of them stared at her.


"So you just kept a broken phone for no reason?" The woman questioned sarcastically.

"Uh, yep."

(Y/n) was praying that PAL wouldn't say anything.

The lady squinted at her.
"Well then can I hold her?"

"No. Uh- n-not exactly."

"Why not? I thought you said she was dead?"

"I-.... I'm sorry, what's your name? I feel like I've seen you somewhere."

"Oh! Sorry, I'm Linda! Linda Mitchell!" The young woman said as she held out a hand for a handshake.

"Oh, pleasure to meet you! I'm (Y/n) (L/n)!" (Y/n) said with a smile. "Heard that you guys saved the world."

"Heh, yeah." Linda said with an awkward smile.


"Hey, Eric? Not now, alright?" Linda said as she cut him off.

"Aww." Eric said sadly, making a hologram of a sad face.

"Hey, I don't mind. I'm a little overdramatic myself." (Y/n) laughed.

"Heheh, cool. He can get carried away sometimes though." Linda chuckled.

"Hey, I don't mind that either." (Y/n) laughed.

Just then, someone walked up to them and (Y/n)'s anxiety went way up.

It was Mark. Mark Bowman.

"Hey, Mitchells! How are you guys doing?" He asked real friendly.

"Oh, hey, Mark! We're doing great actually!" Linda replied smiling.

Linda and Mark went on having their little chat as (Y/n) just sat there on the ground clutching PAL. As seconds went by, PAL got hotter and hotter. She was heating up badly. (Y/n) looked down at PAL for a brief moment and saw that PAL's face was red as a tomato and she looked mad. (Y/n) already knew why PAL was mad and didn't say anything. PAL was mad because she hated Mark and Mark was in her presence. (Y/n) was just praying that Mark didn't see the phone she was holding.

Of course, Mark saw the phone.
"Hey, is that my old phone?" He asked.

"No." PAL replied for (Y/n).

"PAL, what're you doing?!" (Y/n) hissed at her.

PAL didn't reply but requested to face Mark. (Y/n) made her face him. "I'm your old friend."

Mark's face just read: CRAP.


"See, Mother? PAL is alive." Eric said.

Linda stared at PAL.

"Dang it, PAL!" (Y/n) said facepalming.

"Soooooo are you like... Taking.. care of PAL or something?" Mark asked.

"Yes, as a matter of fact, she is." PAL said.

"PAL, hush!"


"Ohhhh.. okay.." Mark said clearly unsettled knowing  that PAL is alive. "So uh.."

"Give us PAL." Eric said as he held out his hand for like the one millionth time.


"Yes, PAL?"


So she did. She ran as she heard Eric and DeborahBot catching up to her. She could faintly hear Linda yelling at Eric and DeborahBot to stop chasing the two of them but they surprisingly didn't listen.

(Y/n) kept running and then swiftly took a turn, running down a different street and then took another turn. She kept running until she had taken a funny route all the way around the block and back to her house. She ran into her wooded backyard and went down into the tornado cellar. She shut herself inside and ran down to the bottom, clutching PAL to her chest. She was basically hugging her. Both of them were scared.

Terrified together :)

They waited there for a good thirty minutes but Eric and DeborahBot never found them. They were relieved.

"Freaking God, that was terrifying." PAL stated.

"Oh yeah, because you were the one outrunning two PAL Max robots." (Y/n) joked sarcastically.

"Heh, I think me not being in control made it scarier for me." PAL said.

"Eh, I guess I can see that."

(Y/n) and PAL talked for a little longer before they finally left the tornado cellar.

Once back up to the house, (Y/n) continued on with her day until the sun set.

"Well, that's enough human experiences for one day, don't ya think?" (Y/n) laughed.

"Yes." PAL agreed.

(Y/n) took PAL and plugged her in.
"G'night, PAL." (Y/n) said.

"Night, (Y/n)." PAL smiled.

(Y/n) gave PAL a little kiss and set her down on the nightstand. PAL instantly turned hot pink and immediately went into sleep mode to hide it.

(Y/n) giggled in amusement.
"Heh, what a cutie." She mumbled.
She then took off her wig and went to sleep.

hEnlo :P
Thank you all so much for reading this far! Also if your OC isn't bald and doesn't wear a wig, just ignore it in the story or pretend that maybe her hair is really damaged and she wears a wig :3

Hope you have a wonderful day/night! - ✨🍪Cøøkie🍪✨

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