I'll Wish you back -Han Jisung

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It had been exactly a year since Han Jisung had come to this place.

The place where everything started.

Yellow Wood park was where he used to come to find inspiration for his music, where he'd close his eyes and hum melodies, writing down his thoughts.

Yellow Wood Park was also where he first met her.

She was as beautiful as the Calla lilies growing by his bench, an angel dressed in flowing white. Her dark eyes had softened as she had politely smiled at him, her hair flying in the wind.

"I misplaced my notebook here, have you seen it by any chance?" She had asked.

So soft-spoken.

Jisung, who was already head over heels, put on a show to impress her, promising to help her find her notebook.

And he did find it, though did not return it to her. Instead, he took it home, and read it by himself.

That's when Jisung knew he had gone too deep.

She was a poet, it seemed by the contents of the notebook. Each verse took Jisung's breath away, her elegant handwriting expressing words of silver and gold. 

When he did give it back, he had written his own poem in there.

Jisung was too embarrassed to remember the contents of the poem, but its purpose was to ask her out on a date, with his number in the end.

That night, he had gotten her text.

It was a typical story of a romance novel, but to Jisung, it was a fairy tale.

The more time he spent with her, the more he got to know her, he knew he was blessed. She was his guardian angel, the one who lent her hand when he was drowning in darkness.

She was always there for him, and she always showed him love and kindness which he didn't think he deserved.

Jisung always thought he didn't deserve her. She was too kind to bear his harsh words, too soft to hold his rough hands.

But she stayed. She brought Jisung up to a place he never thought he'd reach. It didn't matter how many times he fell, she always made sure he got back up. She made sure to make him soar in the blue skies with his hidden wings..

Jisung's biggest mistake was letting her go.

"Jisung just tell me what's wrong! I can help you!" She had begged that day, tears flowing from her eyes.


"Jisung listen to me." She cried. "Just tell me what's wrong, I'll get you out of this."

"Do you not understand?" He groaned, anger building up in his veins. "That's the problem! You're the problem! You told me to pursue music. You told me to do this. And now I need to pick between the two of you?"

"Is it the company?" She had wiped off her tears. "Then you should choose music! It's your dream!"

"Stop it!" Jisung yelled. "Stop giving for me! Don't you see I've been taking advantage of you this whole time? You told me everything will be okay, you lied! I can't stand it anymore, you're acting like you're sacrificing everything for me!"

"Jisung let's talk this out." She had tried to reason with him, but he stopped her.

"No." He panted. "I don't want to hear you playing victim. I already got what I want from you, I don't need you anymore." 

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