FIVE - Let's Compete Fairly

60 5 6

Date Published: 210626

Edited: 220816


"What happened to her Chanyeol?" - The man in the black suit walks to Sejoo and with both of his arms folded asks Sejoo.

"Our homeroom teacher and gym teacher forced us to teach each other. But she ended up fainted in my arms." - Sejoo casually replies.

"She... WHAT? how did she end up fainting? What did you do to her??!!!" - The man in the black suit suddenly goes panicky.

"Why you didn't tell me that she is suffering from the trauma of having skin-ship with men, Mr Park??! She was crying and suddenly got a panic attack. I was so afraid and panicked when she fainted just now and honestly, I don't know what to do. It's not like I can casually call anybody to help us but luckily I saved Jaehyuk hyung's number in my contacts and quickly called him." - Sejoo's voice goes an octave higher, clearly frustrated with the older man in front of him now.

"Your language Park Chanyeol! and it's not Mr Park for you. I am your father!"- The older one scolded.

Mr Park looks at him from head to toe before he adds "And what is so wrong with your appearance? There is no way my handsome son can look like a nerd like this. I accept nothing but good looks for the people inside this family tree !"

 I accept nothing but good looks for the people inside this family tree !"

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"I am sorry Mr Park. I still cannot afford to call you by that name yet. Please give me some time to adjust with that." - Sejoo bows a little just so that he doesn't seem that bad in front of his now so-called father.

"Please explain to me more about her Mr Park. Why she is like this?" - Sejoo asks again.

He just cannot keep his curiosity any longer about her. It feels like something grows in him to know more about her.

"Haih. I don't know if I am in the right position to tell you this but since you insist on knowing about it, I will give you a summarisation of that incident." - Mr Park pauses.

"She got kidnapped during middle school by one of your grandfather's investors in the business. Those men that his investor hired completely fooled everyone in her surrounding at that time. They think she was with his own father." - Mr Park explains.

"But then, why she is okay with that albino guy that always shows up here?" - There was an unfavourable tone in his voice when he asks that.

"She almost.... got raped by those guys." - Mr Park sighs.

Unaware of it, Sejoo's hands form fists and unknowingly he gritted his teeth and bite his lower lips due to his anger.

Mr Park then continues, "lucky that the guy that you called albino was there and followed them when they took Sowon away. Although they were just 14 at that time, Sehun manages to ambush them when they were about to gang bang her. He also was clever enough to call the police first and the police managed to arrest them all on time before something bad happened to both of them."

[OH] Borderline - Park Chanyeol & Oh SehunDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora