TWO - What A Nuisance

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Published Date: 210504

Edited: 220809


"Come out now Sowon. Let's meet. I need to see you now and discuss this." - The guy talks over the other side of the line and succeeds in making Sowon sighs.

"I'm busy Jung. let's just discuss this next time. I got no time to spend walking outside to meet you. That is such a waste of energy. I'd rather sleep than do that." - Sowon talks back to the guy over the line.

"I knew this going to happen." - The man hissed annoyedly and then he continues.

"I'm going to be the one who is going to you so you better come down now before you regret the consequences of this since I am now in front of your gate. I won't let you go that easy and I'm going to do what I already warned you before! So now tell the bodyguards to let me in!" - The man on the line that Sowon called Jung succeeds in making Sowon shocked.

With the tight security in the place where Sowon lives, there is no way he can enter the house if she did not give any command to let him in. Sowon lives in a really high-up place with elegant victorian design in an elite area with a really tight security guard plan. It almost gives the vibe of a high-end old English castle, like those in the fairytales.

"Tsk." - Sowon hissed, not liking the unexpected encounter that he made.

"Do not "tsk tsk" me and do not call me by my surname Sowon. I got my own name and it's Sejoo! Get down now and let's talk!" - Sejoo ended the call.

He sighs at how Sowon behaves and kicks the small white marble rocks on his feet to let out his frustration with that girl before he looks up to the main door of that fancy house.

He sighs at how Sowon behaves and kicks the small white marble rocks on his feet to let out his frustration with that girl before he looks up to the main door of that fancy house

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"If only not because of my grade, I don't even want to deal with her. Tch, what a nuisance!" - Sejoo slowly cursed to the thin air.

The two guards who see him frustrated muster up their courage to ask him. After a few minutes of seeing it, one of them approaches Sejoo after he lost the rock, paper, and scissors that they managed to pull out quickly in order to approach the cold-looking guy.

"Young m—"

Sejoo glared at the guard who approaches him with a warning look making the guard stops with his choice of words. The guard nodded, perfectly understandings what Sejoo means with that glare.

"Sorry sir for that. But I can open the gate if you want. No need to wait for lady Sowon in cold weather like this. Sometimes lady Sowon is too hard to handle and she doesn't even want to listen to others." - The guard offers him.

"It's okay. You can continue with your work and don't treat me any special. I will just wait for that kid to come here since I already made her can't decline my words." - Sejoo declines the offer.

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