FOUR - Basketball and You

47 5 3

Date Published: 210620

Edited: 220812


Just as how their homeroom teacher wanted to meet them after school ended, Sowon and Sejoo went there together but separately at the same time. Sowon walks behind Sejoo and remains their distance so that people don't see them together.

Sowon observed Sejoo from behind from his head until his shoes. As far as she remembers from her talk with Sehun, Sehun said Sejoo came from a middle-range family. He got one younger sibling that studies here too but nobody knows who. According to Sehun again, Sejoo doesn't have friends that much at school and Sowon couldn't agree more with that fact. Just look at him in their class, he befriended no one and the only friend the Sowon can remember is the one Sowon sees from Sehun's class named Kyungsoo who is also nerdy like him.

From Sowon's observation, he doesn't seem in middle-range at all. Although he wears everything in not a classy manner, Sowon can spot the high-class shoe brand that he wears to school even though he tries so hard to hide the brand from others seeing it by wearing a bit longer trousers. Sowon also can see the Rolex watch on his left wrist even though he hides the screen on the inside of his wrist. Just from the design alone, Sowon already can recognise the brand. There is surely something that Sejoo has been hiding behind others.

Not long after, they reach the teachers' room. Being ahead of her, Sejoo enters first.

"Oh! Sejoo, Sowon. Come here." - Their homeroom teacher calls and waved her hands to them.

Both of them walks through the hallway in the teachers' room and stopped just right in front of Mrs Kang, their mathematics and homeroom teacher.

"So how was your lesson with him Sowon? Do you find any progression from it?" - Mrs Kang asks Sowon.

Sowon forces a smile on her face and nodded her head a bit and Mrs Kang does not find her answers relevant and averted her question to Sejoo.

"What do you think Sejoo?" - The teacher asks Sejoo.

"Eh?.... Eo...." - Sejoo got flustered and he unknowingly scratches his nape.

"I asked you Sejoo, how's your lesson with Sowon? Is she good? Did she listen to you?" - Mrs Kang emphasizes.

"Aaah.... She is.... good. She.... emmmm... listens to me well. Emmm..... Yeah.... She's good." - Sejoo makes his eyes toward Sowon and smirks at Sowon who already stares at him.

He ogles his eyebrows to Sowon before he continues, "Can't wait for our next session, ssaem." - He smirks.

Sowon rolled her eyes because of his annoying answer and just right after that, Mrs Kang continues;

"So, what subjects have you already discussed with each other for this past week?" - Mrs Kang asks.

"Mathematics." - Sowon answers.

Mrs Kang looks at Sowon's face with displeased. 

"And Physics." - Sejoo adds not long after that due to the unsatisfied face that Mrs Kang made even though they don't have any discussion about Physics at all.

Mrs Kang nodded, satisfied enough with two sessions in their first week's progression.

"Oh Sejoo, here you are! What are you doing here?" - A male voice came from nowhere and greeted them.

The man in his collar t-shirt and black sweatpants with sports shoes makes Sowon quickly divert her eyes to the floor.

"He is private tutoring Sowon in her academics since she is so bad in almost all of her subjects at school." - Mrs Kang exposing Sowon without any guilt at all making Sowon greeted her teeth, not liking people exposing her weakness.

[OH] Borderline - Park Chanyeol & Oh SehunOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora