Tsukishima stood wide eyed for a moment.

"M'kay, that answered your question." Bokuto clapped his hands together. "So you owe me a few blocks." Tsukishima leaned back.

"Yep, fair is fair after all." Kuroo and Bokuto place one hand on each of his shoulders pushing him forward.

"What um-"

You laugh and started coughing a little

"Are you ok?" Akaashi asked

"Yeah yeah, just tired, don't worry."

"Ok, you sure you don't wanna go? We'll be alright without you."

"Nahhhh i'm great!" You said and ran over to where you would be able to receive but coughed a few more times.

'Stupid heart. Why can't you just give me this?'


The next morning you all ate breakfast and got back to work. Karasuno and Fukaradani were opposing and you were losing 11-6.

"The spikes from number four don't need to be stopped, just make sure they hit your hands." Ukai told the team as they stood in front of him

"Right!" They yelled in unison.

"Oh right, even if they can't stop it when it hits their hand the momentum becomes a bit weaker."

"Yeah, there are two different strategies when it comes to blocking." You told her.

"The 'soft block' makes it easier to receive by letting the ball hit the blockers handles first." Kiyoko explained "While the 'kill block' completely shuts the offence out."

"Kill block... you mean kill as in murder?!" Yachi raised her voice

"Maybe~" The two of you teased as the smaller girl gasped.

"We don't have to stop him." You looked over at Tsukishima

"That's right, if you guys can slow him down, that's all I'm asking for." Ukai said

The whistle blew and the game started again. Back and forth the ball went but each time Fukaradani earned the point. Bokuto went to spike and Tsukshima jumped for a block with Daichi. Bokuto looked terrified and just tapped the ball over the net.

"No way! I totally thought he was about to come in with a hard hit!" Takeda gasped "I didn't expect it to be some sort of faint, that a national level ace for ya."

"Did he just.." Kiyoko mumbled to you

"Yeah...i think he did." You mumbled "Bokuto dodged.... Because of Tsukishima."

The day continued and everyone started to improve. The point gap became smaller, it wasn't enough to beat the other teams but it was a lot better than before.

Sometimes you would be allowed to join in some of the games, coaches saying they wanna show that gender doesn't matter and clearly it didn't because you managed to get karasunos points up lots.

The only thing that was wrong was Hinata and Kageyama. They still weren't talking and even stopped training together like before. Honestly it was getting on your nerves. You knew they had a fight but common! Couldn't they just show a little more maturity and try to get through their problems rather than ignoring them as well as each other.

Time passed and now it was after the games had finished and you were once again with Tsukishima, Bokuto, Kuroo and Akaashi but this time some other people came.

"Hey Tsukki, brought a friend today?" Bokuto asked.

"What happened to your favorite partner?" Tsukishima asked, looking at Hinata who was poking his head around the door.

"Kageyama is working out by himself. I got Kenma to serve for me but he wanted out after five balls."

"It's already amazing enough that Kenma stuck around for that long." Kuroo chimed in


"Please let me join you!" Hinata and Lev said in unison as the taller boy ran to the door.

"What Lev?"

"Oh Hinata"

"Hey aren't you supposed to be practicing your receives with Yaku?" Kuroo asked

"Oh uh yeah I was doing really well so he let me go early!" Lev said

"That doesn't sound like Yaku." You said

"You didn't run away from him did you?" Kuroo asked

"Pft nah!"

"One, two, three, four, five, six, seven..." You mumbled to yourself

'We could play a three on three if we had one less person. I doubt anyone here would leave and they all need practice...'

"Hey I'm gonna go ok?" You said

"You sure?" Kuroo asked you "Is something wrong?"

"Nope i'm good, i just kinda wanna practice alone. I'll see you all in the morning- oh and before I go!" You walked over and grabbed Bokuto and Hinatas arms, dragging them over to Akaashi's side then running to grab Lev and put him with Tsukishima and Kuroo. "Three on three match!"

"Yeah I don't think this is a very evenly balanced match." Akaashi said, referring to everyone's height.

"Nah let's just do it while we can get away with it." Kurro said while Bokuto and Hinata cheered in response.

"That settles that, have fun kids!" You skipped out of the room.


There you go kids, chapter 45. Hope you enjoyed this and make sure to have a good rest of your day/night or whatever.

- char

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