"There's something I would like to ask you, do you mind?" He asked

"Oh no." Kuroo and Bokuto said in unison, you could hear the smirk in their voices

"Ok so... here it goes.... You're on a team that's known for being pretty good right?"

"Well yeah" Kuroo groaned

"Even if you get to nationals it is difficult to win right?"

"It's not impossible, jackass!" Bokuto yelled

"Oh don't get all bent out of shape, let's just hear him out." Akaashi told him

"I'm asking a sincere question here, you can answer as well y/n" he looked at you then back to the boys "What drives you guys to work so hard? Volleyball is just an extracurricular activity. Is there any other benefit than being able to put it on your college application or something?"

"Just an extra curricular? It's like you want me to punch you in the face."

"Dude! Maybe he's just more interested in his grades." Kuroo said to Bokuto "Not that you would know anything about that."

"What did you just say?! I've been getting better. I got a 47 on my most recent test!"

"Uh congratulations?"

"Should i say something or-" Tsukishima asked

"Nah this'll take a minute." Akaashi told him

"While these two morons argue, lemme tell you something." You started. "Yes, volleyball might be a sport but it can be more to lots of people, oh hey, you like music right? I see you wearing those headphones all the time."

"Yes I do."

"Why do you listen to music? Does it help you concentrate? Maybe understand your feelings more? Or is it just a fun thing? No matter what it is, you enjoy it. That's all that really matters right? That you're enjoying yourself."

"Heyyyyy tall dude with the glasses!" Bokuto turned around and looked at him

"It's Tsukishima."

"Fine then Tsukiblahalah"


"Is this game fun to you?"

"No, not really..."

"You think maybe it's because you suck at it?" Tsukishima looked like he was about to explode. "I'm a third year and I've gone to nationals so I'm wayyy better than you. I'm like two of you!" He said holding out two fingers.

"I already know that."

"Buuut it wasn't until recently that I thought volleyball was fun. It started when line shots became a viable option for me during games. Blockers started catching on to my cross court shots and made things difficult so I got ticked and started practicing my line shots super hard. Then at the next tournament it was the same blockers and I got right through, didn't even let 'em touch the ball. Made complete fools out of them. That one shot alone felt like 'YEAHHH My time has come!' You know what I'm sayin'?" He laughed then looked at Tsukishima, who backed up in response. "It's all about having a badass personal moment like that. Who cares about the future? As long as you have a chance at winning the game that all matters right? You get hooked on the rush of beating the guy in front of you. Playing with 120% of your skill. Nothing beats it!" He sighed "Well anyway, that's my story and I'm stickin' to it, even though - yeah I know - it might not apply to everybody. So when you say volleyball is only an extracurricular activity I literally do not know what you mean. That said, I don't exactly think you're wrong either pal. However, if that moment ever does come to you, that's the moment you're gonna fall in love with volleyball."

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